Sunday, August 20, 2006

Judy's challenge day 7

I am not really this fast, but I make up for speed with persistence.
I have used more than 7 hours and I want this quilt top to be done tomorrow.
What you see is how it will be, with the cross wise sashing off course, but with no borders.
I like the top like it is now.
I am out of the most of these green-ish turquoise fabrics now, other than small scraps, but still have some of the fabrics I used in the middle of the blocks to use for corner stones.
My plan is to bind the quilt with blue or maybe purple.
It would be lovely with pink and turquoise binding as well, but pink would make this quilt a girl quilt, and that is not my plan.
Like it is now it is both a boy and a girl quilt.

I hope to sandwich the quilt tomorrow so I can start machine quilting it as my daily hour on Tuesday.
DH is going away on a trip the upcoming weekend and I would like to have 2 quilts in the machine quilting stage by then, to machine quilt when he is gone.
The other quilt top I would like to finish and sandwich is the Tri Recs quilt in red and yellow.

For my pleasure and fun, as quilt snack, I will work on Tonya's letter project in between.
I plan to make that quilt 4 x 5 blocks as well.


  1. coming right along--looks to be a nice sized finished block with the double sashing thing going on.

    no sewing here today though I might get busy with the binding on that's last WTIL in my stack after the paperwork stuff is done

  2. You are motoring right along. I love your colour scheme. I like this quilt like it is right now too!

  3. I love your progress and the colours look fabulous. You've been very busy getting it to this stage.

  4. I am dancing as fast as I can but I still cannot keep up with you. I have enjoyed every minute of working along with you on this project.

  5. terrific job Hanne! when you have a deadline you can really move along

  6. You're doing so good. One more day. :-)

  7. Looks great, Hanne.

  8. Oh, Hanne, it's so beautiful.

  9. I love how your quilt is coming together. The colors are very calming, almost like being at the beach.

  10. Very nice! xoxo melzie

  11. This quilt is coming along greatly. I think a purple border could do wonders for this.

  12. Really pretty Hanne! It does look beachy. I love the way you take a stack from a color family from your stash and work it to death. You worked through purple and now turquoise, what is next? Oh, I saw an Almost Insane quilt at the shop I visited the other day. Wow! The yellow and red is stunning! Can't wait to see yours...

  13. Nice work!

    I laughed at your 'quilt snack' being Tonya's letter project... to ME, a quilt snack is something edible and not messy that I can munch while I sew... lol

  14. It's going to be beautiful. Quilt snack. I like that!

  15. that is looking great--a very calming quilt. Way to use up that stash!

  16. Very pretty! Congrats on keeping up! (I love the bits of orange here and there in your quilt.)

    Oh, I liked the brown blocks too.

  17. Nice. I think you're right-it doesn't need a border, and the binding will frame it for you.

  18. Hi Hanne, the quilt top looks wonderful. It's very uniquely your own, and quite often I don't like ANY borders on mine. I like the "action" to stop right at the edges where the binding hits the quilt and the real world...*VBS* It's kind of hard to explain to people who are confirmed border using quilters..LOL

  19. Your quilt looks very nice. I like the turquoise fabric you have used.

  20. Anonymous4:47 pm

    The quilt looks fabulous. I just love the colour combinations.

  21. Anonymous4:52 pm

    Wow - beautiful quilt! I love your color scheme. Woo-hoo for using up the stash!

  22. Really beautiful! Love those colors!


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