Saturday, February 08, 2025

January Tally

The drawn number in January for the Chockshed Challenge 2025 was 6. 

My project no. 6 is these 1" hexagons called Tiny Treasures, by Kathy Schmitz.
It is a year long project, so if I am done by the end of the year, I am more than happy. I have started joining hexies in January. I found the perfect fabric on my own shelf - a light blue chambray. 

4. January my husband and I travelled to Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, for a 3 week stay for playing and learning more Bridge. We had a great time with friends and new friends, and will absolutely go back again.

I did not bring any sewing, and even my knitting was ignored most of the time. It was busy days indeed.

Coming home to snow and ice was hard, but it was nice to have spent most of January in Spain. We came home late 25. January, 2 weeks ago today.

I came home with an inner ear condition that gave me dizziness and pain, so not much have been done since that either. I hoped for the longest time it would go away by itself, but it did not.
This week I seeked medical help. The dizziness is as good as gone now. Some pain and pressure is still present, 
I am happy to say I have got my want for sewing back 😍
I have planned for a busy sewing year!


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Chookshed Challenge 2025 list from my Quilt Corner

 1. Best Friend Forever Quilt  
     I have 16 of 32 stitchery blocks done. I am making this my daily thread project for 2025.

2.  More red fabric scraps hearts. I need around a dozen more over the next 10 weeks 

3. Anni Downs mini stitcheries - I lack at least 1 stitchery block to make a small quilt.

4. Dream Catcher Quilt. I need some progress on this quilt through the year. 

5. Anni Downs Christmas draw string bag. It did not make it this Christmas. 2025 is the year! 

6. Tiny Treasures from Kathy Schmitz. All but 1 stitchery done.
     I want a finished miniature quilt in 2025.

7. Raspberry Tea Quilt - It did not make it to the finished line in 2024.
    I want is machine quilted in sections and done 

8.  Care quilt top needs to be finished 

9   I will make placemats for us here. The old ones are worn out. I need 8.

10. Finishing a sashiko cushion for Dear Daughter E. 

More photos will follow πŸ˜€

December tally


I made only 1 Christmas gift for sending out this year. A very special person received this card game pouch, complete with notepad and pencil. We are already looking forward to play Phase 10 with you next time we meet πŸ’–

I can't say I used a lot of fabrics making these hearts, but it was great fun and I gifted one away. Will make more in the upcoming year.  The hearts are approximately 5,5" tall. Ornament or pincushion? Your choice 😊

We ran out of gift tags this Christmas, and I needed some right away. I had some cardboard tags without decoration or text, and some fabric hearts already with fusible web on the back.  I think they turned out very cute. I will absolutely make more of these next year, before shopping for anything.

I just had to try to knit these potholders, Bakers Twine. I have seen them online and bought the pattern the other day. They are knitted with double cotton yarn and in a double sided fashion. They look the same on both sides. I ripped out a crochet project that did not turn out like I wanted to have enough yarn. I am happy I did!

Tested and approved 😍

Wishing you a lovely day where you are πŸ’—
 It is only 6 hours to midnight and the beginning of a new year here.
Happy New Year to you and yours! 


Sunday, December 01, 2024

November tally


One finish in November - a little candle mat, with a very Norwegian stitchery.
The designer is Kristin Langebraaten. I do not know if she is in business still. Her designs are very good.
Christmas gift? Check ✅
Note to self: I like the ric rac edge finishing I usually do the best. Next time!

Yesterday, my oldest grandson Sander visited to learn how to use a sewing machine, and to have a grandparent all to himself day. 
Little brother, 3 years old, was not invited, and had other plans with mum.

Being very interested in everything with machines, and moving parts,
I think all the moving parts on the machine was more fascinating than sewing itself. 

According to plan, we made a Christmas gift for mum. Sander picked fabrics, thread, we gathered all the tools we needed and we took the small Janome to the dinner table, so we had enough elbow space. 

I am impressed that Sander kept up the interest to the very end, and we helped each other through the project. Stuffing the heart with a hemostat was very interesting too. 
After, we did some colouring, making Christmas cards, and then we decorated some store bought gingerbread hearts with icing, chocolate buttons and mini marshmallows, for eating right away.

After coming home, Sander opened the Christmas present for mum, to keep it for himself, carrying it around, and hanging it over his bed. As proud as can be. He is so sweet πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
I guess we have to make something for mum next year!

Heart back side

 πŸ’œ A very good day were had by all πŸ’œ


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Progress and plans


Some stitching has been going on this week. The snowman stitchery is done, and I am making it in to a candle mat. I planned to give it away for Christmas, but I am not sure now, as I like it so much πŸŽ„
On the other hand, when I like something I make very much, it will also be a good gift for someone on my gift list.
The drawstring bag will be finished during the upcoming week, so I can write it down as my November finish.

3 knittings ......
The socks, for dear daughter #1, will be finished before Christmas, as will the ice blue and short sleeved summer jacket. 
The offwhite knitting in the basket - hopefully I will move it forward, but I do not expect it to be done this year.

To work, oh bold quilter and knitter 😍

                                       πŸ’—Wishing you a good day where you are πŸ’—


Sunday, November 17, 2024

To much of a good thing?


I have not been holding back on starting new projects this week, and suddenly I feel overwhelmed.....

This little Norwegian stitchery I intend for a Christmas gift. Maybe it will not be - time will tell. 

Another knittting???
I do actually have a personal limit of max 2 knittings at a time. 
I have no excuse for starting a third knitting..... 

I just so wanted to make myself something with this ice blue cotton yarn, for a travel we are going on in January - less than 7 weeks away. Hopefully I can finish this one + one of the others before that?

Last night we had this season's first serving of Lutefisk. 
It was very very good πŸ’—

Blogger is still a mess when it comes to the comments. I will continue to answer in the comment section. No mails are coming through.

      πŸ’—Wishing you a wonderful day where you are πŸ’—


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

November focus project


It is sort of empty and strange since the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge is done after 10 months. 
I am happy to learn that it will be a new challenge in 2025. 
I am already thinking about what to put on my list.

Another Christmas project will be done before this Christmas. 
It is just 41 days to Christmas Eve πŸŽ„

This project was started last year (or was it the year before?)
It is designed by Anni Downs. 
Now all the applique and stitchery are done, and I am half done with the machine quilting.

Strange things are going on with Blogger.
I got no mails that comments has been left on my previous post. I therefore chose to answer the comments directly under my blog post.
Anyone else experiencing the same?

 πŸ’—Wishing you a lovely day where you are πŸ’—


Sunday, November 03, 2024

October tally


October was a good month in my sewing room.
The foot stool is finished and I love how it looks.

The cushion from The Red Rooster, Dublin, Ohio,  is done too
 - and ready for Christmas decoration in my home.
I love the printed snowmen - original art from the shop.

The Kaffe Fassett cushion embroidery was a long time project. I am so happy to call it done!
26244 stitches, wool thread on canvas.

This was the last month of the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 challenge. 
It has been fun! 
From the list I made by the beginning of the year, I only changed out one for something else.

I have been told that there will be a 2025 challenge! 
I am looking forward to participate.

πŸ’– Thank you Deana, for organizing this challenge,
 and for being our fearless leader through the year πŸ’–


Wishing you are lovely day where you are


Saturday, October 05, 2024

October Focus Projects


With no regret I have switched my last challenge project to the project above πŸ˜€

The project I have put away for now is Raspberry Tea Quilt. I planned to do machine quilting in sections to finish it, but I do not feel up to machine quilting right now, and am doing something smaller instead. 

This box chair I bought second hand during the summer of 2021, when we were cut away from normal life by Covid. 
I had searched for one like this for years, and suddenly I found one, online, only a few minutes walk from my own home. The chair is true vintage - from the late 40s, early 50s. The price was nice too.

Next is a cushion kit I bought a Red Rooster Quilts in Dublin, Ohio last autumn. 
The snowmen is printed from a original drawing by the owner of the shop. 
I need to do some changes to the original size of the cushion. It is a bit to big for my couch. I think I have come up with an idea that will make me use all the fabrics included in the kit.

I have had this embroidery as a side project for some time, and my goal is to finish it this year. 
It has its own story that I will tell in a later post. The design is by Kaffe Fassett.

πŸ’— Wishing you a lovely day where you areπŸ’—


Monday, September 30, 2024

September tally


One of my oldest stitcheries is now a part of a Christmas cushion I will treasure πŸ’š

I bought the stitchery on Ebay long before stitcheries was in the shops here in Norway.
The designer is Bronwyn Hayes / Red Brolly.

I had such a good time stitching the design back then. I did not know what to make from it, and put it in a pretty box. 
A treasure in a box does not shine much....... 

I have had a good time making the stars with my Lemoyne Star ruler, and it has been fun to play with the setting. I have enjoyed making this in to a gem I can enjoy for years to come.


I am still working away on my yarn stash. 
A pair of work socks for my other son in law.
I ran out of black yarn and had to be a little creative to make the toes look good too.

πŸ’š Wishing you a good day where you are! πŸ’š
