Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A small treasure

My friend Val made this for little box for me for Christmas.
It is 2,25" by 1,5".
What is really special about it is that she used the little box to show me the fabric she has bought for me to use as backing on my Nearly Insane quilt.

I love the box with it's foldable scissors and the glasshead pins, and I love the fabric she has picked for my quilt :-)


  1. How cute. Do you think you can bring this little sewingbox on the plane??

  2. What a wonderful gift. The fabric is very nice. Enjoy your day.

  3. Anonymous6:49 pm

    A very cute little sewing box! I love the fabric too!

  4. Hei!
    Nå kan også jeg legge inn hilsninger til deg. Den lille boksen var veldig fin.

  5. The fabric is wonderful! What a sweet box!

  6. Fun fabric!! and I like your box. I hope you had a marvelous Christmas!!


  7. What an absolutely darling tiny box. And with embellishment, too.

  8. I've saved many little tins like that, figuring one day I'd come up with a use for them. What a good idea this is!

  9. What a sweet and very useful gift that is! I love the idea of using the tin. Your friend is very talented.
    Your NI blocks are all beautiful, by the way! The backing fabric will be perfect for that quilt.

  10. Such a cute tin from Val! Love the fabric for your NI blocks, too. She has a great eye. Can't wait to meet you in Shipshewana next spring!


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Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!