Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday report

This NI block is for Saturday really, pieced on Sunday.

If you see someone spinning outside your house, with a tail of smoke, it can be me.
I can not remember being so busy for a long time.
A lot of activities in and outside the home, some quilt related, some not quilt related.

Being a teacher, being a student, being a friend, being a mother and being a spouse - multitasking galore!

Ah, she made purchases too :-)

2 x 12" pieces, full width of fabric + a spool of thread.
I bought a 20" piece of Osnaburg this weekend too, for stitchery. Osnaburg is a low thread count coarse cotton weave.
The Osnaburg will be put to use this evening, to prepare for a future class I am attending.
The red fabrics speaks for themselves, don't they ?

My caffeine level is under working level - I need to put the pedal to the metal Now!
Onward Ho!


  1. Your Nearly Insane blocks are just gorgeous, Hanne. Every day I am more impressed than the day before!

  2. Only two red pieces from the shop today :) But they are beautiful.

  3. Another great block! And well done on only getting two pieces of fabric! *lol* They sure are pretty!!!

  4. Flotte blokke i rød/hvide, det bliver et imponerende tæppe og et stort arbejde med alle de dele der er i de forskellige blokke.

  5. These blocks just keep getting better and better. I love them and I love your stash of REDS!


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