Thursday, July 09, 2009

A busy rainy day

The furball decided it was time to take a R&R day on the couch since it has been a rainy, cold day - lucky cat :-)

My day has been busy working on the basket quilt, and now I have 5 more blocks to my name!
I must admit I am curious about how many blocks I can do tomorrrow.

Yes - I am a bit obsessed by getting this quilt done right now, so now it is baskets only and no stitchery before the blocks are done.
7 more block to go - and still a lot of work joining the blocks and all.

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  1. Flotte blokker, spennende å se hvordan du monterer de:-)

  2. The furball had a great idea!

  3. Good work! Love to see it finished....!

  4. Furball knows exactly what to do on a rainy day. And you too :)
    You are doing great progress on your baskets. And I guess more will be done since there are coming more rain.

  5. Nydelige blokker, gleder meg til å se dem ferdig - er spent på hva som er planen din! Den katten er usedvanlig smart, han vet å bruke dagene riktig ;o) Nydelig pus!

  6. Helt klart godt syvær nå, og blokkene blir fine!


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