Saturday, April 03, 2010

A finish and progress


Happy Easter to you!

Easter eggs, filled with sweets and wooden - both my favourites in their own way :-)

The lovely table cloth was embroidered by my grandmother on my mother's side, who died a long time before I was born.
It is embroidered on a piece of cotton fabric which is also darned in several places. Maybe it is a piece of a feedsack ?
Even if the small table cloth is both darned and rust stained it is a real treasure!


Here is my latest finish - a care quilt.

10 of the 24 blocks are blocks I got as a gift many years ago, and now I have added the last 14, to make this in to a nice care quilt.
It is a piece of polar fleece with teddy bears on the back, so it will be nice and cuddly for a child :-)

Miss Cat got the honour of paw approving this quilt before it is washed.
I always wash my care quilts before giving them away.

star blocks

Now I have only 7 more star block to go !

I have started packing for my trip next week, and the 7 stars are going with me.

Let yourself be silently drawn
by the stronger pull of what
you really love.”
Rumi, Sufi poet



  1. Og du er like driftig som alltid :o)
    Det er altid like koseligt å stikke innom hos deg !
    Fortsatt god påske, til deg og familien !

  2. Hey Hanne! Your warming quilt looks gorgeous! And it sounds like you and May Britt are having a fabulos Easter weekend of stitching together - I'm a little jealous that I don't have a stitching friend to meet up with like you two do, still some stitching happening here for Easter too, so shouldn't complain! :0) Enjoy your relaxing time together creating. Bear Hugs! KRIS

  3. Hanne your quilt is gorgeous and a finish already...must be the good company you are keeping...Hi to May Britt.....enjoy your Easter Hanne.

  4. I think the tablecloth looks beautiful and you are right to treasure this careful handwork from the past.
    Some of the care quilts I see people make are not nice to look at - just unwanted fabrics that they have thrown together - but yours are always made with care and respect for the recipient, always quilts that people would love to have. I think they must give a lot of pleasure - you are a kind person.
    Hope you have a happy family Easter time - I wish you Frohe Ostern from Germany!

  5. Soon you are on a trip again. And I know you will have a smashing time meeting all those DJ friends.

  6. God påske, Hanne! Så lurt å lage dette om til ein care quilt!
    Eg har stoffa til dei 5 siste åttebladrosene liggande her ved sida, pent vaska, stroke og ihoplagt i dei rette bunkane, ein nytelse å sjå på. Tenk kor heldig eg var som fann dei att...LOL, no er det system, system!

  7. Dette Log Cabin teppet er kjempeflott! - og du er utrolig raus som lager så mange fine tepper og gir bort til teppeaksjonen!
    Honnør til deg!

  8. I love log cabin quilts.
    Happy easter to you!

  9. What a nice project to take along to Canada and shipshewana
    Have fun and say hello to all on my behalf
    big hugs from Brussels

  10. A Log Cabin Quilt just can't be beat!


  11. Hei Hanne! Ser ut til at du har hatt en fin og produktiv påske! Hilsen Siri i Ålesund.


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