Friday, November 05, 2010

In the mood….



….. in the red mood, again.

Red is my happy colour, red is my comfort colour, and I turn to red again and again.
I never was much of a Christmas person, but I love Advent and this year I am surprised over myself enjoying Christmas work this early.

I had many plans for this week, but a stomach bug / stomach flu have got the best of me for the last 3 days.
Now the fever is gone and I am feeling better.
I managed to do a little cutting of fabrics and some stitchery, but that was all.

I am ready to prep Christmas heart # 2!



  1. Det julehjertet var kjempefint!!! God bedring!!!

  2. Good to hear you are feeling better now! Enjoy your Christmas-plans!

  3. Huffda, god bedring Hanne og enjoy your red :)

    klem hk

  4. So sorry you were sick and I'm glad you are on the mend.

    Red is "my" color too...I love decorating with it, sewing with it and dressing in it.

    Have a good weekend!

  5. I always think of red as your colour. That's because I started following your blog when you were making Nearly Insane. Your version is so fabulous!

    I enjoy following all the variety of events and activities on your blog. I only wish Norway had the milder weather we have here in Australia. No long, dark winters!

  6. Those hearts are so pretty.. really lovely will be a wonderful finish ... someday :o) Hopefully soon..:o)

  7. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Love your Christmas heart. Hope to see more of these. Glad you are feeling better.


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