The best laid time schedules can be skewed by sunshine :-)
In this part of the woods you never know how long the sunshine will last and when you can get more ( weather forecast says rain showers and no sun for the next 8 days now )
I had pieced the star below in the early hours of the day, indoors, and star # 2 came outdoors with me.
I also spent some time going through my fabric collection (aka stash) yesterday, sorting out fabrics for care quilts.
We were going for a barbeque with friends in the afternoon, and the lady of the house is also a quilter.
She is very good at making care quilts, and it is fun to add to her fabric collection. The fabrics I am bored to see and work with are new and fresh for her :-)
I have been slowed down so much by my foot this past year.
It has hurt to use the sewing machine, especially the last 6+ months, and even if I have made many care quilts, I am behind on other more intricate quilts, which in the long run is what I love to do - the more work the merrier - or something like that :-)
Pain is never a good motivator, and neither was it good for (my) concentration.
The care quilts were very good for practising left foot on the pedal sewing though, and now I can actually use the sewing machine pedal equally good with both feet - more or less.
The foot is better day by day now ::-)
I do not walk to well yet, and it still hurts quite a lot, but not all the time, like a tooth ache, like it used to do.
I have been told that it will take months before it is pain free, but I can absolutely live with that, now that I can sew again!
I am a very happy seamstress!!
Here is the shelf for my red and yellow fabrics after I had gone through them yesterday.
Someone said in the comments the other day she would love to visit my fabric collection ;-)
Some of the darkest reds - like very deep vine red, went into the care quilt paper bag, but that was just a handful.
If you wonder what my favourite fabrics are these days, I must say Japanese fabrics and CW repros are sky high on my list. I also love to mix the two :-)
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Det er verkeleg kjekt å høyre at det går framover med deg! Utruleg kor store lager du har av kvar farge, og eg som tykkjer eg har mykje stoff, det er no for barnemat å rekne her! Elles ikkje så veldig mykje å melde på syfronten her, det går i besøk og sykebesøk, og, ja du veit! Men eg er så heldig å ha gode føter, så eg får gått av meg både det eine og det andre i skog og mark. Klem!
ReplyDeletedejligt, at din fod bliver bedre - jeg vil lige dele lidt erfaring med dig: det er vigtigt at smøre godt, det gør helingen lettere
ReplyDeleteIt's good to read that you (=your foot) are feeling better. And as you noticed yourself, negative things may have a little positive side too: now you manage to handle your sewing machine with both feet! Besides I am curious to see the finished quilt with all the lovely stars you are sewing!
ReplyDeleteGet completely well soon!
Hilsen, Barbara