Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sunday stitches

P1040628First 2 stars, and then 2 more :-)


It has been raining heavily all day, and Rusket, aka Miss Cat and the furball, is taking resting to the max :-)


P1040633Just 3 more stars to go - prepped and ready to be pieced :-)

P1040623I have had some questions about how I piece the stars.
I prefer traditional hand piecing for these stars.
Most people do them English piecing around here.
Isn't it a good thing - the many choices of patchwork and quilting ? :-)

kopi_av_bord_hjerter_1180947159What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret
than our willingness to choose life.
Leo Buscaglia



  1. Kjempe flotte blokker og vakker pus. Snakk om å kunne dette med å slappe av ! Vi har litt å lære der :o) Ha en riktig fin uke.

  2. I see I have a lot of catching up to do :)

  3. Jeg beundrer de fine fargesammensetningene dine! Hilsen Siri:-)

  4. I have learned that in sewing, stitching, quilting, there is no wrong way as long as we achieve the results we are looking for. Your hand piecing looks beautiful to me.

  5. Love the colors you are using for your stars. The bottom/right one looks so different -- I know it's the same pattern, but with that one I see the tumbling blocks. Interesting how different fabrics change what we see. I'd hand piece those too. Nice to have choices, for sure.

  6. Lovely blocks were busy on the weekend...Ruskett is very cute.....

  7. Flotte stjerner - du er jammen produktiv om dagen :-)
    Friske grytekluter du har laget også.
    Ha en fin dag.

  8. Katter er seg selv like. Pene blokker :)

  9. I love these blocks!


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