Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday stitches

P1040739The autumn is definitively here, with long dark evenings and cold temperatures at night.
What is nice with the dark evenings is that I can burn a lot of candles - I love candles :-)

P1040730I have mostly been working on small items this week. Above is a coin purse with a see through window and a ring for keys.

P1040741These potholders was fun to make, as was the bigger coin purse for DD2.

P1040742She is going to Tarrytown, New York, on Thursday, to stay a school year, studying English + Fashion & Design.
She loves to shop for shoes, dresses, sunglasses, chocolate, handbags, perfume, cupcakes, shoes + +  The pattern is from Anni Downs' last book.
I am sure DD2 will have the time of her life, and if I were young, I would love to do the same :-)

P1040745I had to embellish the zipper with this cute charm :-)
I am sure I will miss her more than she will miss me!
There are always Skype and Facebook!

P1040749Miss Cat is taking care of the relaxing around here, and she has pushed my freezing paper out of the basket to make herself comfortable.

P1040734The autumn invites to cook more hot meals, and home made veggie soup is great - easy to make and great comfort food.
I know I will make another batch of soup in a few days.

P1040753Home made low carb cracker bread is also nice to make and to eat.

Note to self: Knitting of bigger things than hats, socks and mittens is not for me!

P1040752I am still knitting on the bolero jacket, and even if it looks like it will come out nice, I do not enjoy the process.
My arms and neck hurts, I get tension headaches, even after a few rounds, and I am really bored stiff, and I feel it is taking time away from my beloved sewing.
I used to knit all the time, and I know all the do and don'ts of knitting and relaxing muscles, but my arms are not for knitting anymore.
The small things, like socks and baby hats on bamboo needles are nice and easy though.
I am determined to finish this jacket though - soon!


Motivation is an external, temporary high that pushes you forward.
Inspiration is a sustainable internal glow which pulls you forward.
Thomas Leonard



  1. Det var mange flotte "små" prosjekter du har laget. Den kattepusen din, har virkelig gjort det å slappe av til en kunst !

  2. You've been very busy this weekend :) Barb.

  3. Jeg har kommet til samme konklusjon ang strikking. Starta på antakelig samme jakka som du holder på med, men måtte overlate den til en kollega. et babyteppet jeg strikka til amandaprosjektet tok knekken på armer og nakke her.

  4. Hi Hanne... I just love your small projects... You got alot done... the soup looks yummy... Knitting is not my bag as well.... I feel it takes too log to compleat a project... I would rather do embrodery... Hugs :)

  5. Så mange flotte ferdige prosjekter :o)
    Kan skjønne strikketøyet er juling til nakke og skuldre, jeg har ikke knekt koden for å kunne holde på med det uten at det "kjennes på kroppen" selv, så skjønner det kommer i siste rekke :o) Jeg holder meg til småtteri som ikke tar lang tid, så da går det bra å holde på litt innimellom.
    Ønsker deg en riktig flott ny uke, med nål og tråd ;o)

  6. Hei Hanne,
    har vandret rundt i bloggen din og kosa meg:-). Du lager så mye fint!

  7. Hi Hanne I love your small projects. I know you will miss your daughter but what a great opportunity for her. Wish I had a bowl of your soup and some cracker bread. Looks delicious.

  8. I love all your little projects! Especially the pouch with all the words on it!

  9. lovely projects Hanne.........goodluck to your daughter for her year abroad..........


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