I am organizing in my things, and I have got rid of a lot, and am lifting my treasures up :-)
I have a very small sewing room, and I have decided that the walls are as full as I want them.
I am not hanging anything more on these walls, and I will hold back on buying in 2012.
That goes for everything, from spools and fabrics to decorating items.
My goal is to find room in my boxes for everything – you may even call it a resolution :-)
This is the wall over my vintage desk – isn’t it cute, with the things I love the most :-)Two small baby afghans, just finished, to give to premiee babies, through Amandaprosjektet.
They are leaving the building in a couple of minutes – I hope they will warm where they come!
PERSIST. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things
Hi! Greetings from Finland! I love your blog! I am a quilter/crafter and I would like to invite you to visit my quilt blog!
Yours, Ulla
(Ulla's Quilt World)
ReplyDeleteA hard decision, but I understand you.I should try to do the same think, but.... My goal for 2012 are to finish more UFo's and hopfully use more of my fabrics pile...
I cross my finger for us. Hugs :-)
I had no choice reorganizing mine when "Miss Monster" moved in, and still a lot of stuff is just stored away. Hope to get through every bin in a while, but one now and then will have to do ;o)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week,
Så fin veggen din ble. Må nok gjøre noe inne på syrommet mitt jeg også.
ReplyDeleteOrganising my space is one of my favourite things to do - feels so good when it is done and favourite things can be seen. Gives me warm fuzzies every time. :0)
ReplyDeleteDet er greit å ha system i galskapen! At du ikke skal kjøpe noe i 2012, tror jeg bare sånn passe på. Jeg hadde som mål ikke å kjøpe garn i 2011, kun bruke av garnlageret, og det holdt helt til i går. Jeg var i Blåbyen (Sortland), og DER lå det noen "blånissenøster" og ropte på meg. 10 nøster til tovede votter ble med meg hjem! Jeg HAR brukt av garnlageret! Det kan jeg bevise ved at jeg har tatt vare på alle magebeltene, så det så.... Ha en strålende dag!