Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last day of January


P1050432What have I been up to this month?

It started with a little crochet, and another preemie afghan saw the light of day.
The little bear is handmade by a dear friend :-)


I have been exercising several times a week (yes!)- and this applique quilt actually decorates the front desk where I do exercise and physiotherapy.
The man with the dark trousers was the founder of the place and the one in the fuchsia top and broad shoulders did really work there before :-)
I wish I knew the maker of this quilt. All the people are made 2 dimensional by stuffing - very clever.


I have been eating better too.
I do not plan to get skinny, I am aiming at getting stronger and more fit.
I have things to do and places to go :-)

I have had a lovely weekend at May Britt and Rusken's,



I have not been shopping anything this month, at all, but I was so lucky to have May Britt's Civil War Repro collection to move to my sewing corner :-)


I LOVE CW repros - May Britt not so much.

I have made progress on several projects, and I have attended a lovely 1 day class with May-Lisbeth. More about the lovely class some other day. Lots of fun and laughter!


All in all a good month :-)


Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.



  1. It does sound like a great month. Hope February is as good for you. Have a great one.

  2. Ser ut som dere hadde en kjempekoslig helg med sy-sammen :o) Litt vitamin Q sammen med skikkelig kost og litt trening vil nok få energien tilbake, og ser fram til å se hva du har planer for iløpet av året :o)
    Ha en flott uke,

  3. Søtt lite teppe.
    Lykke til med trening og bedring av livsstil.
    Heldig du er som har en god venninne med en kasse med stoffer ledig:o)
    Jeg har også en slik, hun ryddet syrommet, og fant tre søppelsekker fylt med stoffer. Disse fikk jeg:oD

  4. Hanne you have been very busy love the little rug....

  5. Da har du jo fått gjort en del.. Det viktigste er jo å ha det hyggelig. Jeg har bare lyst til å sy for tiden (ikke jobbe), kanskje jeg allerede begynner å smake på pensjonsisttilværelsen. Om ett år er det over!!! Ha en trivelig onsdag!

  6. Så fint hekleteppe du har lagd. og de knekkebrødene så gode ut. Her går det i jaktvotter til min bror som bor og jakter på Neu-zealand. Ha en god helg. :)

  7. I envy your time together with May Britt. Lots of great projects. I dearly love every one of your Dresden plate projects. I love making those, and after seeing yours I might do a few today. Shipshe is coming up soon. Will I see you there?

  8. Looks like you had a great time! :-)

  9. Some lovely things achieved in Jan ....Hope you have a great time with Gail & Helen when they come you will have a laugh....


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