Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday block(s)


Observations as I work along:
If you want a book with sewing instructions, this book is not for you, and if you like to know how much fabrics to use you will be lost too.
If you want to know how many setting blocks to make, the proof reader must have been more than ordinary absent minded.
The book says 16 setting blocks of one kind and 16 of another kind. We are talking 16 of one kind and no less than 48 blocks of the other kind – 32 blocks counted wrong………. hmmm.
The setting blocks do not look difficult, but it is a lot of cutting involved.

P1070834I have done the same “planning” as I did when I made Nearly Insane winter 2007/2008 – I have already booked this quilt for machine quilting.
32 more setting blocks than planned will force me to work a tad more intensive than I originally planned, but as these blocks are fun, it will be doable within the time frame.
It is fun to see how the pink fabrics and the red setting blocks fabric work together :-)




  1. Du verden! Her går det unna, og så fantastisk nydelig det blir. Gleder meg veldig til å se det ferdig,og jeg tenker at 32 blokker fra eller til ikke utgjør noen stor forskjell for deg! Lykke til videre.

  2. Go, Hanne, go! It is going to be so beautiful!! Good thing you are smart enough to figure it all out on your own. I would have given up!! LOL

  3. How big is each block? The flying geese block looks like a lot of work. It's coming along very nicely.

  4. Hei! Kan tydeligvis ikke alltid stole på bøkene, men du verden så nydelige blokker! Rosa og rødt er lekkert sammen :) Lykke til videre med prosjektet :)

  5. I coveted your Nearly Insane quilt when you finished it. This one is going to be Just as spectacular. I, too, like the red and pink together. I recognize so many of your fabrics! :-)

  6. I love your blocks, what pretty colors.

  7. Looking good hanne,but very frustrating with the instruction being written wrong :) Barb.

  8. The colours are looking great together.

  9. Retteleg augegodt!
    Nydeleg - gler meg til å sjå framhaldet!

  10. Hei! Litt av et prosjekt du er igang med!! Men det ser ut som du får det unna. Ha en fin dag!! annekari:-)

  11. Your blocks are wonderful and so nice colors.
    Greetings Grit

  12. Hmmmm. Insane might be the right word. But I love your fabrics. I'm enjoying watching your progress. :-)

  13. How frustrating for you. You must have a lot of patience. It will look fantastic when it is completed.

  14. Perhaps that is why this book/quilt is called Just Plain Nuts hehehe.


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