Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekend stitches

I am looking forward to start hand quilting this table runner shortly :-)
It was fun to piece and applique.

Some Kind Of Wonderful quilt is coming along too :-)
Only 2 more applique blocks to go, but they have a lot of pieces.
I still need a lot of sashing strips too. All the small square blocks in the vertical rows are done, so I could do a real tidying of my desk – that was nice :-)
I will give the quilt some daily attention for another week (and probably the week after, and the week after too)


On Saturday I participated in a sew-together for caring quilts with one of my guilds.
Well – they did the sewing, I did the coffee drinking…….
I do not have strength for that kind of work anymore,
but I can participate in arranging fabrics and so on.

I have gathered most of my charity quilts fabrics now and given it to my guild for others to use for the good cause of warming children with cancer and other long term diseases.
Over the last 14 years I have made more than 100 quilts for this cause, so it has been a bit hard to give it up – but a woman has to do what a woman has to do…..

I have been forced to choose between different activities to be kind to this troublesome body.
I do not knit anymore and I very seldom do crochet, so the rest of the baby yarn I had is as of yesterday given to a lady who distributes it amongst eager knitters, to knit hats, blankets and socks to babies born to early or with health problems.

Even if it is hard to give up charity quilt making, it is good too, liberating sort of.
It just mean I have set my priorities and am setting my own health and strength first!

I love my own quilts and I love my teaching – and not a charity project in the world can come between that!

Did I mention it gives extra space in the Quilt Corner too ? Nice :-)


P1000305Look what I have got!!
I am doing a very happy dance for a big light table for tracing stitchery :-)
Someone I know had one to sell, and I am now the happy new owner.
Stitchery and my beloved crazy sampler blocks of all kinds – I see a lot of fun in the future.
When one door closes, another door opens!


my to do list priorities



  1. You are making great progress on your quilt! The table runner is pretty. Glad you got your desk organized. And I do agree with your goals. Take Care!

  2. Love your attitude. I hope I don't have to give up love quilts any time soon. They really warm the heart. Good for you, making this decision.

  3. Good choice Hanne. Taking care of your own health is have already done so much charity it is time for you take care of yourself. I love the quote at the end of your post ......perfect timing for me.

  4. Good to hear that you are looking after yourself and so kind of you to donate things you no longer need. It is always good to know that you are contributing to make someone's life better in some way. I learned to pace myself and limit myself long ago as I have fibromyalgia and other health problems. I am carer for my hubby so if I don't look after myself who will care for him? Thank goodness I have patchwork and quilting to keep me sane and my patchwork groups. Take care. Sending angel hugs to you.

  5. Interessant innlegg, Hanne! Du har på ein måte gjort opp status må enkelte ting i livet ditt, og som vanleg er eg imponert over evnen din til å ha fokus! Håpar vi kan treffast ein gong i haust! Take care!

  6. your going so well on the SKoW quilt looks great........

  7. It was kind of you to donate the things you no longer need. I hope your health improves soon.

  8. Lykke til Hanne, koselig prosjekt! Jeg er så glad I SKoW, gleder meg på dine vegne, snart er det en stor quilt:-)

  9. You have been very generous with your time and now it's time for you! :-)

    Light boxes are fabulous. I love mine.

  10. On every flight you hear this piece of good advice: Put the oxygen mask on your own face first before you can help others. It must feel liberating to help others to do the charity work now. I envy your empty space too!


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