Sunday, March 23, 2014

Quilt Corner un-inspected–and some comfort quilting

Comfort quilting has been going on!

I am very happy to have Marianne’s shop Trådsnella close by, and she has taken in the lovely pattern Sturbridge Stars + ruler and Apliquick tool.
I bought hand piecing templates for this quilt in Amsterdam – at Den Haan & Wagenmakers some years back, but they were out of the pattern.

Since then the lovely Lemoyne Star ruler has appeared, and the Apliquick tool is also great when machine piecing, as well as being great when doing hand applique.
I love multi use tools :-)

I started making some 6” stars and I think I will make the full quilt, eventually.






DH’s aunt celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday, and we were all invited to a lovely long high class lunch.
I know she has mentioned that she wanted some new placemats and I had a good time making some for her.
I love to make coordinated “scrappy” placemats – that way I never run out of the good fabrics, and I can easily make more as long as I do it the same colour and style.


I need to make some placemats for myself too!
I could easily have kept these for myself -  I think I have to cut fabrics from the same colours for some new placemats here.


rusket 3

It has been a strange week, with an un-inspected Quilt Corner.

I see the furball in the corner of my eyes all the time, and one early morning I also felt her brushing up against my legs – strange moment………

I realize I have spent a lot of time serving on her, front paws and back paws – opening the veranda door, letting her in and out and in and out, serving her food and snacks (frequently), having conversations with her, giving belly rubs and long nice strokes on the back and bushy tail.

As much as I loved having her, we will not get another quilt inspector, for several reasons.
Allergies in the family is one of the reasons (me included)


I have never met a prettier cat in all my life, and my heart belongs to you Tullerusk!

Rusket 2

You had a lot of cattitude, but we know you knew we loved you dearly,
and we were so happy we could take you in when your life were at a cross road when you were a young cat lady.
You were with me through sunshine and rain, laughter and tears,
sickness and health, through the 8 years we could spend with you.

It was lovely to give you a good life as long as it lasted – I treasure every day of it!


We are grateful for the vets trying their very best to find what was wrong with you through some very turbulent and troublesome days a week back.
I am happy they could give you some pain relief in the process –
enough pain killers to knock a horse over, according to the vet who were with you and us on the last day.

Acute cancer took away my favourite furry friend and quilt inspector.

You always loved the garden and the great outdoors, and when we get the ashes back from the vet in a few days, you last resting place will be in the garden.

We are so happy you were with us here as long as you could,
and you paw print will forever be on our hearts.

paw prints

You and me, Tullerusk, you and me!



  1. I love that memory heart at the end of your post for your dear cat. I felt the same about ours years ago, we too have no more cats, too many allergies so no pets for us anymore - I do love visiting family that have pets though so I can be around them now and then.
    You get your star center intersection made so well - I have problems with this almost all the time - I have the appliquick tool so I need to think of using it at the machine also.

  2. Love to you, Hanne. I know how it can hurt to loose a dear and loved pet....
    It's so good to know you and your vet did everything you could.
    It will be strange not to see her/him around...
    Patchwork and quilting is a good distraction and I love your little stars; so pointy and such beautiful fabrics. This will give you comfort as well.
    Hugs from this dogs-and-cat-lover, Ria

  3. Hugs Hanne. I remember what it is like to lose a loved cat.

  4. Oh Hanne, I'm feeling your sadness over on the other side of the world. Our furry friends are such special companions and so loved. Sending a hug. X

  5. ((((HUGS)))) Hanne, our fur children are so precious to us :) Barb.

  6. What a wonderful memory of your dearest furry friend. We never get over losing our cherished pets. One of my cats stayed around for several months after he died. He sat on my bed with me at night. Finally I had to tell him it was okay to go. That night I had a vision of him sitting at the edge of a cliff where he turned into a big black butterfly(he was a black cat) and flew off into the sky. I never felt him around after that. Many hugs to you Hanne.

  7. Dear Hanne, what a beautiful, beautiful tribute to your dear furry friend. And the photos - equally beautiful. Our furry family members definitely entwine with our hearts.

  8. Oh Hanne, what a sweet memorial for such a beautiful creature. She was so pretty and feminine. I love the poem you've included. I have seven cats that I rescued and love them all dearly. For the past couple of years I've also been feeding and loving on 3 cats that are strays. Last week I had to make the painful decision to have a beautiful gray Persian cat with the greenest eyes I've ever seen put to sleep. He was attacked by a hellish disease that took away his ability to eat or drink and he was basically slowly starving to death. I always told him that even if he were just a stray, he mattered to me. Hopefully your pain will lighten as the days go by. Praying for you.

  9. I am very sorry, Hanne.

  10. so, so sorry to hear about your Quilt Inspector. We lost one of our cats a few years ago and the remaining one is getting on now. She'll be the last one - allergies here too.

  11. I miss you and Mae Brit very much. It will be difficult being at Shipshe without you guys. You both will be with me in spirit and thought.

    Keep smiling !!!!

  12. I hope that with each day your sadness fades and fond memories sustain you.


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