Friday, May 29, 2020

Long time no see

It has been some year, some things good, some things not good at all.

Last year in June, my arm shoulder rehab went down the drain in 30 minutes flat, when I had a substitute physiotherapist when my own good and trusted one went on summer vacation.
The substitute had great trust in her own knowledge, my shoulder proved her ever so wrong, and the pain and inflammation lasted for a long time.
Stitchery kept me sane (as always), but I did not feel like sharing.

I see, with joy, that Blogger has updated a bit since last time. I have contemplated moving my blog to another platform, but I think I will stay for now 😊 I have missed you all, and am looking forward to catching up 💓

I am working on the quilt Snow Days by Crabapple Hill. My plan is to do it as a block of the month.

See you soon -



  1. das freut mich wieder einmal von dir zu lesen viele gute wünsche

  2. hope that you have as much fun stitching Snow Days as i did - lots of hours, but so awesome when it's done

  3. Hello!! Great to hear from you! So sorry about your shoulder! I hope we will see you more often.

  4. Anonymous5:54 pm

    Love that stitchers. It’s good to see back blogging and feeling better.

  5. Happy you're feeling better, Hanne :) Welcome back !

  6. cindy m11:55 pm

    So glad you're feeling better! I can sympathize completely! Had a hip replacement last July, not done correctly and waiting now to have it fixed almost a year later. Pain and inability to do anything "normal" is driving me to the edge of sanity! On;y my quilting brings me any peace:) Hope your shoulder continues to improve and you get back to the "old you" soon!!
    Cindy M
    lstangl482 at aol dot com

  7. Lovely to see you back. Looking forward to seeing the progress of your beautiful stitching

  8. Oh, Hanne.......sending you a gentle hug! It is so grand to hear from you again, but so sorry you’ve been side-tracked for a while. Wishing you to feel better and enjoy summer! Wishing, too, that we could sit on my deck with doing embroidery and me knitting!
    Blessings from Vonnie in Minnesota

  9. Anonymous4:53 am

    So glad you decided to continue there aren't many that I enjoy reading yours is a thumbs up all the way. Glad you are doing well! I'm in the USA ma the North East to be exact we are all trying to be strong with what's going on in the world. Be safe and thank you for all your insights mg

  10. Nou gezellig dat je terug bent. Hoop dat het beter met je gaat nu.

  11. Me alegra mucho que estés recuperada ahora a disfrutar de la costura

  12. Such bad news about your shoulder..I do hope things are OK now... .. I was coming to Norway this year but it's all cancelled now.... Seems a few of us have just come back to bloggers.....


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