Saturday, June 06, 2020

Small stitches and more

It is quite funny how the brain works sometimes.
When I decide to work on one thing, something else cries for attention 😁

I am sorting through my sewing room again again and finding several treasures.
No idle hands for the foreseeable future - that is something to be grateful for too ❤

I have been making 2 crocheted dishcloths from scrap yarn. Sue Daley introduced  a new to me edging stitch, the crab stitch. It was fun to make, and quite decorative. I found her video on Instagram.

Snow Days stitchery is getting daily attention too 😁

In a second I will work on my focus project πŸ™ˆ

See you soon - Stay safe and happy!



  1. Seguro que se encuentras muchos tesoros para que los termines, disfruta
    CuΓ­date y besos

  2. So nice to hear from you again Hanne. The dishcloths look very nice, enjoy your time embroidering! Happy stitching!

  3. Great projects, good t see you again!


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