Thursday, August 03, 2006

Naming and claiming for August

Looking back on July, it has been a nice month sewing wise.
I have not met all my sewing goals, but as we say around here -
I set the goals, I can change them.
Right Linda J. ? - you told me so once.
Or - feel free to add an extra week to a month whenever you feel like it.
I am doing it every now and then, and it feels good :-)

I have had some finishes and I have not started anything new, which is as good as it needs to be !

Setting goals for August is not difficult:

First and last - I want to have fun ! :-)

Well - other than that -

  • I want to finish DD1's quilt
  • I have a round on the Crazy Quilt RR to finish and send before August 28
  • Finish pillow for DSisL asap
  • Make gift for niece asap
  • Finish a care quilt to send off by end of August together with Sunshine quilt.
  • It would be nice to do some DJ blocks and NI blocks too, in between.

I have joined the August No Buy which I see more like fun than depression ;-)
Like a new meeting with my friends the fabric pieces.
The Sunshine quilt was made all from fabric strips and pieces already in my collection,
and it was very satisfying to do so.
In fact I am contemplating joining Cher for the rest of the autumn, more or less, but I will not sign my name just yet.


  1. First goal, having fun! For sure there.

    Yep, you made the goals, revise them---I said the same thing in my post today as a matter of fact. Just like my husband asking "who gave you all those jobs?"

    I also extended the month by a couple of days too--thanks to you, LOL.

  2. I may be joining for August, but that will be out of economy, not choice - we'll see when we get there.

  3. love the first goal... it so often gets lost in long lists I think :-)

  4. I will admire you if you can do a whole month with not buying any fabric. What if you really really need something. I have done this "no buy" several months, but I often come in the situation that I find something that I am in desperatly need for. SMILE SMILE SMILE


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