Monday, January 22, 2007

Ugly no more :-)

Looking through some fabrics today I got the idea to cut some of the ugly fabrics from the other day to strips and start a strip quilt. I am on a fabric diet this year, even if it does not look like that right now ;-)

I have just found a good fabric for the outer border for my NI quilt on the internet and ordered it. I had a fat quarter from earlier and I have been looking for more for a while. I found it here - and I am a happy camper! It is in the mail as we speak, 3 meters :-)
It gives a total purchase of 9 meters in January, which is a lot for me, but all are for a purpose and not just to put in the fabric collection.

Well - my plan was to make 4 rectangular strip blocks, just as a step in the right direction for a care quilt, inspired by Mary's Heart Strings Quilt Project.

What I did not think about is the fact that you can not turn a rectangular block like you can a square one, and it is important to make blocks with mid strips in both directions.
To see the pattern effect I had to make 4 more blocks, so now it is half a quilt and it is looking good :-)
For a good string quilt you have to have those uglies too, to make the colours sing.
My DH, who does not know about the uglies, passed the blocks on the floor and complimented them as cool. I am aiming at a quilt that can be liked by both boys and girls, so I guess I hit home :-)
The quilt blocks are a deeper blue in real life and I have not yet cut them down to the right size, 9,5" x 12,5".

The scrap strips interfered with NI sewing, but I have made one block today. Another step in the right direction :-)


  1. I really like the looks of the blue and red in those string blocks. Very striking! I am still sending prayers your way for a speedy and succesful surgery.

    The blocks you posted yesterday look like a "H" and "O". :)

  2. Gee, Hanne, I looked closely and I don't see a single ugly fabric in those blocks. We all have such different tastes - makes quilting so interesting!

  3. You are right--"Ugly no more"! I love your string blocks. I love the way you said the uglies make the block sing! That is exactly what you have done!

  4. your string blocks are cool !!!! I have made a quilt once using only my ugliest fabrics. But it turned out to be a lovely quilt. I cross my fingers that the strike soon is over.

  5. Anonymous9:32 am

    And what a nice direction ! Your NI blocks are soooo beautiful, Hanne ! And though string blocks are not "my kind of thing", I just love yours ! Will have to make some, anyway, for Nancy....
    The fabric you ordered is cute as ever, and thanks for this new web address, I didn't know it.....
    I wish you the best for the coming days, you know my thoughts are with you, dear.....
    Biiiig hugs é smiles,

  6. I didn't see any ugly your string quilt.

    Your NI is coming right along.

  7. I love the String blocks - I'm going to make a quilt using the rectangular blocks too - eventually!

  8. dear Hanne, your work is gorgeaous, like allways! I'm escorting you in these days with my thoughts and hope the strike wont touch you surgery date. Hugs - Brigitte

  9. Du store mi ti!
    Skal si du har vært effektiv. Du far gjort masse.
    Tenkte jeg også skulle sende noen "stripeblokker", men må gjøre litt annet ferdig først.....

  10. I don't see any ugly fabric in those blocks either... :)

    And I'm just now catching up with your blog, I see from the post above that the strike is over - glad it didn't last very long and that your surgery wasn't postphoned!

  11. Anonymous12:10 pm

    Kjempe artig å følge Nearly insane prosjektet ditt! Du gjør vakkert arbeid.
    Vi er tre venninner som syr dette teppet, jeg har også valgt rødt og hvitt (den blogges på


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