Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The great charm of the daily hour

This is my new notepad keeper. It also has room for a pen inside, so I always can have access to paper and pen.
Maybe I want to draw down a quick idea or maybe I need to write down and remember something.
Skriblerier = scribbles, in Norwegian.

The design is my own, and I like how it turned out :-)
I started it as a scribble on a notepad the other day. The idea for the notepad keeper has been in my mind for a while.

My plan was to work on this for 1 hour today too, but I could not stop, and have spent all day.
Making a mail pocket from the Santa stitchery is my next 1 hour a day project, starting tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:26 pm

    That's terrific Hanne, I think you need to show us the inside and perhaps give us a quick tutorial on it..(s)

  2. Good idea, and it looks great.

  3. Lovely - glad to see that your one hour a day is working out so well.

  4. I liked that, hope to see it, when i'm coming to "østlandet"....

  5. Cute - and even if I don't know Norwegian, I like the name as it is.

    Yes, show us the inside, please.

  6. oh this is sooooooo cute! I love the norwegian word. nicely done!

  7. Anonymous5:34 am

    This is darling:)!

  8. Nice! You know the funniest bit though, was me reading Skribbler - & questioning the spelling/my reading before realizing it was written in Norwegian... I feel better now... :o)

  9. great job - I love the "skriblerier" especially. what a fantastic word.

  10. How pretty and inspiring for your notes and sketches. It was fun to puzzle over skriblerier. Sounded like Scribbles but it's nice to know for sure :-).

  11. Hanne, spending time everyday tomove your projects is a great idea, and you are doing well to keep focused on your goal. Your Leanne's blocks are coming along quite nicely, and your changing the design to suit your mood is a good thing - keeps your blocks from looking exactly like everyone elses!
    Your notepad holder is great.

  12. Hi Hanne

    I really like the notepad cover. The stichery turned out quite fresh..

    Like the " one hour a day" concept, I think I will adopt it!!

    Good to see that the rain hasen't slowed you down ;O) Perfect sewing weather if you ask me... no need to feel guilty for not staying out in the sun LOL

    keep up the good work :O) and let's hope for fair weather...


  13. Love it. Are you going to give classes on this??? I have also been planning to do a notepad cover to have in my purse. But if you come up with a pattern :)....LOL

  14. hanne, your stitchery and quilts are beautiful! i enjoy seeing your vacation/trip photos as well; looks some like maine with the mountains and flowers along the roadside...

    cityquilter grace

  15. That hour a day really moves a project along. I very much appreciate your sharing the idea with me.

    Great note pad cover. You have some of the neatest ideas.

  16. Your note pad is adorable!

  17. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Too cute! and a great idea as well.

    I wish I could hear you say the word "skriblerier" so I would know how to pronounce it correctly....I would add it to my vocabulary today!!!

    WTG Hanne, you always come up with fun projects!


  18. Wow Hanes, that really turned out sweet! It's lovely! Hum.... do I detect a new designer emerging on the hand embroidery scene? :o) Thanks for sharing!

  19. Wow! You are doing great. It is sooo nice. I do agree with May Britt, if you do come up with a pattern.....
    I would love to do one!
    And all the Leanne's stitching. Wow! You are good at it!

  20. What a lovely idea... are you going to do a pattern of it? I do hope you are. :)
    I have tagged you for 7 random things game.Visit my blog to see the rules.

  21. Love your little scribble book!

  22. Hi Yes I too am wondering about a pattern for that cute little notebook cover. I would live to see the inside as well. Great idea. Deb.


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