Sunday, August 05, 2007

Leanne's House progress

Before leaving for Denmark I finished my Leanne's House block # 4, the mid block.

I am half way through my block # 5, the third block, top row, working on the applique.

I will keep on doing smaller stitchery for the rest of the summer holidays and work more on my Leanne's House block come next week.


  1. It is a lot of fun watching your stitchery grow - you do wonderful work. So glad you had a good holiday and that mouse box .... very cute!

  2. Anonymous11:19 pm

    Hi, Hanne !

    Nice to have you back ! You certainly had a good time, and you did a great job with your stitchery !

    Hugs & smiles,

  3. Wow, that is gorgeous! That's going to be one sweet quilt! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Anonymous4:57 am

    Hanne your Leanne's House quilt is going to be just beautiful. Love your little mouse box is very sweet.

  5. Hi Hanne, welcome home. Your stitcheries are so wonderful. I love the house blocks....your mouse box is so cute.

  6. Great process. You are doing good, but take care. You should not get a copy of May Britt's arm.


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