Monday, September 17, 2007

Small finishes

Small finishes also have great charm :-)

This little angel is my own drawing and her job is to guard the needles in the needlebook.

Yes, these glasses are brand new and a very good investment.
I have wore contact lenses since 1980, but now the lenses or lenses + work glasses are not enough anymore.
I have given up the lenses and given in - these glasses are progressive and very nice to wear.
I can even see all the small stitches without problems :-)


  1. Hi! Your little angel is adorable! And congratulations on the new glasses :o)

  2. Nydelig, Hanne.

    Flotte briller, enn merker at årene tar på ;-)

  3. Cute angel! Hope the glasses continue to work out. When I hit 40 my eyes changed and I now wear glasses when I sew or embroider. Yes, getting old(er) is a fact of life I guess.

  4. adorable angel...and the string top-with all the yellow is so cheerful!

  5. Love your angel needlebook. A "Needle Guardian Angel" - perfect!

    I'm in awe of your string quilt and your flea market treasures.

  6. Enjoy your new glasses.

    Your Needle angel is so cute.

  7. You've made a lovely little angel stitchery to guard the needles. Glad you can see the small stitches now.

  8. What a precious little needlecase. The angel is perfect Hanne! You draw so very well. Will we see you designing patterns soon? I think you should!

  9. Anonymous7:10 pm

    Oh, this sweet angel is so cute ! and your own design ! WOW ! Congratulations, Hanne!
    (and welcome to the glasses club... smiles)

    Hugs to you !

  10. Such a delightful friend to be with you while you stitch.

  11. Very nice and cute! I have to take off my glasses when I thread the needle and I have to go to the eye-man very soon!

  12. Hi Hanne! You're little needlebook Angel is so sweet!!! Great job! I also have admired your pillow, Simple Stitchings! May I ask where you purchased the pattern?
    I've also been through the contacs to glasses transition!!! Now it's bifocals and they're even starting to give me problems!!! Oh, well!! Cheers! Mary Ann in Denmark

  13. Sweet little angel, I understand about the glasses, I'm there too!

  14. Hei
    Koselig nålebrev du har sydd. Jeg må snart melde meg inn i "brilleklubben" selv om jeg allerede har kontaktlinser....

  15. Love the adorable little angel! I, too, am finding glasses a necessity when I stitch!

  16. Nydelig liten engel!!!


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