Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday already !? Weekend challenge

One block for Thursday and one block for Friday :-)
I am marking on a spreadsheet as I go, and by the looks of it my count is wrong. I have probably made a block twice without noticing.

I tried to blog yesterday evening, but Blogger did not feel to well by the looks of it, and would not cooperate.

I did not sew other than half a thread of redwork yesterday.
I had all day lunch guests, and we laughed and chatted more than we stitched.

I served them a traditional "peasant" meal - fresh baked whole grain bread, still warm from the oven, strawberry jam and Norwegian brown cheese.
The house smelled good from the fresh bread when my guests arrived.

I am very fond of baking bread, bread rolls and other yeast doughs goodies, and I have started doing it again after a long break.
I want to learn to make traditional Lefse as well.

Here is a challenge I am giving myself over the weekend:
I want to make something from all of these stitcheries - a makeup purse, a toiletry purse half done for a class, and a tote.

As you see I have already framed the girl and I have picked the rest of the fabrics for the makeup purse she will decorate.

It will be the pedal to the metal - ready, steady, GO!


  1. The peasant lunch sounds sooooo yummy! Nothing like a bit of homebaked bread!

  2. Those stitcheries will look darling made into bags.

  3. I am sure you will achieve all your go the stitcheries.

  4. YOur stitcheries are really lovely. Can't wait to see how your weekend challenge progresses.

  5. You are on a huge roll, Hanne. Great progress - very focused, indeed.

    I always love your stitcheries.

  6. You got yourself a big challenge there!
    I use Windows Live Writer to blog my posts. With the program (free) I can write my posts and save them as drafts as long as I want, - so if blogger have a downtime, I can still write the posts when it suits me and not blogger... Made my blogger-blogger life simpler, so to say.

  7. Anonymous6:36 am

    My husband makes lefse every Christmas. A few years ago I gave him a griddle, rolling pin and all the necessary things to make lefse. It is actually very easy. Of course, he eats all the lefse in a few days after he has made it!

  8. I love these stitcheries!!!
    A bag with them will be fantastic!!!!
    Congratulations for your constance on sewing blocks!


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