17. December I had 43 blocks, so this really is progress.
28 to go!
Svele anyone ?
For dinner today we had tomato soup, and thin pancakes / crepes are a good companion to eat after tomato soup.
We are not using much milk in the cooking here, and I had none when I wanted to prepare the pancakes, but we had thick sour milk also known as Kefir, so I decided to make Svele instead.
Svele is traditional thick sour milk pancakes and they are very much used in the area my family come from, up on the north west coast.
They are semi-sweet and are often used as a cake or waffle, served with butter and sugar, sour cream and jam, or butter and traditional Norwegian brown cheese.
Today we had Svele with maple syrup after the soup - delicious!
Here is my recipe:
3 eggs
3 dl sugar
1 teaspoon bicarbonate (natron)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 litre sour milk
8-10 dl plain wheat flour
Beat eggs and sugar white, add sour milk, bicarbonate and baking powder and add flour until you have a thin dough / thick liquid.
Let the dough rest a little while before you start the baking. Bake until brown on one side, turn the Svele with a spatula and bake on the other side.
Brew coffee or tea and enjoy your Svele :-)
What a great job you're doing with your NI blocks - I am thoroughly enjoying watching your progess. Are you hand or machine piecing? And how big (or small LOL) are they?
ReplyDeleteSvele er jo innmari godt da. Egentlig bedre enn pannekaker..., synes jeg. VI har ikke spist tomatsuppe på mange år - ikke siden gutta fikk det én gang i uka på skolen og ble lei - grundig lei. Så lei at tomatsuppe ble helt borte fra familiens middagsmeny.
ReplyDeleteGøy å bake, ikke sant... :)
I'M COMING ! ! ! ! !
Sveler er kjempe godt!
ReplyDeleteFor those of you with no access to Kefir, Buttermilk is a reasonable substitute!
ReplyDeletemmmmmmm... nammenam
Hummmm... I like pankekes. I'm comming immediately
ReplyDeleteBlanca from Catalonia (Spain)
Oj, som det går unna med blokkene! Det blir fantastisk flott og du må kose deg masse med det.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your mile stone! Only 28 to go!!! Keep ut the great work!
ReplyDeleteYummmmmm....Svele is really yummy, and a very long time since I've eaten! hmmm... perhaps I should get some sour milk? I have everything else in my kitchen...
I've enjoyed your NI progress - Wow!
ReplyDeleteIf I come to have a cup of tea or coffee with you will you make soem Svele for me? :-)
Hei jeg har klipt ut din "fabric diet", håper det er greit at jeg bruker den på bloggen min. Trenger virkelig å bruke opp noe av stoff lageret jeg allerede har. Takk for godt tiltak.
ReplyDeleteJeg er også imponert over alle de flotte blokkene du holder på å lage. Kommer til å følge med på utviklinga..
Er det greit at jeg linker deg?