Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blocks again !!

Here you see what I purchased when at May Britt's local quilt shop last week, finally :-)

These fabrics I also had in my hidings, from when Leanne visited Trysil in the fall. The Tea Rose bundle is a gift from Nancy when she stayed here teaching her sewing bag.
I have been saving these fabrics for a special moment, and that special moment is now :-)

The first of the Civil War Diary blocks + 2 Dear Jane stitchery blocks, size 3,5". I know I am aiming at all 169 DJ blocks, but have not decided on the triangles yet.
Now you know what will be my priority projects for a while.
May Britt claims I am short of a marble, or even two - maybe she is right ? LOL

I have to add the cat did Not approve. It is snowing like mad outdoors and we are not letting her out, so she is showing some (c)attitude ;-)


  1. Hi Hanne
    See you are back on track after Easter Holliday. Looking forward to see your progress of the Civil War quilt blocks.

  2. I love your blocks! I don't have the nerve to do the DJ, but I have started the Civil War Diary Blocks. I only have 11 of them done so far!

  3. Anonymous2:33 am

    I notice you no longer refer to your furry family member as the grandcat. Does this mean she has moved in with you for good? -Canadian Gail P.S. She is very cute and I love seeing pictures of her.

  4. Does this mean I have to start my CW block now........before I get the book LOL
    Okei.......I guess I'll try to use my EQ then to print out at pattern.
    Your DJ blocks will be lovely. A whole DJ in redwork.........WOW....

  5. This is nice. CW quilt is a big procjet for me,but I have starede.
    I love your fabric.Looking forward to see you to morrow. Hope you bring your blocks to have a close look.

  6. Love your fabrics...will enjoy watching you go thru and do all the DJ blocks...lots of progress shots please.

  7. Remeber that we talked about the DJstitcheri....love all the fabrics....That cat is so cute ;-)

  8. Hey, you went ahead and started the DJ in redwork stitchery - I remember you saying you were thinking about doing that! Looks great!

    And so does your Civil War block! Love the fabrics you selected! Close to what I imagined from what you talked about :o) Did May Britt tell you she talked me into getting it as well? *lol* It probably won't arrive untill the beginning of next week, though... So now I need to know the plan is...

    Hope you are having a great day!

    PS! I won't be going to the quilt meeting tomorrow - seminar at work, and I have to attend :(

  9. Lovely fabric, I can't wait to watch this one progress! (Did the red & white quilt arrive safely?)

  10. Beautiful fabric! What is DJ stichery? Today the sky is blue and the sun is shining, and I'm back at work. See you in some days!

  11. hanne, your fabrics are fabulous, I wonder how you can always choose so beautiful fabrics in your stash, mine is much more ordinary!
    I will continue to read your blog with lot of pleasure!
    Marie (france)

  12. Snow, again? I'm hoping it stays spring here. I forgot that there were DJ stitchery blocks. You amaze me by the number of things you do.

  13. I didn't know you were making DJ stitchery blocks. I plan on making them too. I must get started. Your work is lovely as always.


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