Thursday, September 04, 2008

Summer Strip Challenge prolonged

The challenge has been running from June 6th to September 6th, and many have contributed with their time and talent.
If you have not checked the entries, take a look on the right sidebar and enjoy the links!

I choose to prolong the challenge another month, just for fun!
New end date will be October 6th.

I will sift through my mails from the period again to see if I have forgot anyone.
You might also send me a nudging mail if you like :-)


  1. Yeah! Thanks for the extension of the deadline. I have all of my pieces cut, but somehow had the end the of the month in my mind. Now that is closer to the real finish.

  2. So good to have a new date. Maybe I will manage to finish another one - started in July.

  3. Hanne - I noticed on the 3rd you were looking for extra time - we have daylight savings here in the US and will get an extra hour on November 2nd. If I dont' need it, I'll see if I can send it your way! LOL SuzK

  4. I totally couldn't remember where I had joined this :) I'm glad you've extended it. I was just going to "double use" my Summer Stash Challenge quilt cuz it's from strips but now I have time to put borders on the one I originally intended it to be--thanks!!!

  5. I'm sorry that I missed this challenge and hope to join you in the next one.
    Hugs JJ


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