DH is back at work, DD1 is back at school and DD2 is away from home for another week.
It is a bit strange here today - DD2 is in Mali, Africa, with a youth group from church.
They are visiting a well drilling project founded by our church.
They left at 4 am New Year's morning and will be back Monday 12th, in the evening.
Even if she is away, I got up before 6.30 am today and followed my usual morning routine of candles, coffee (or tea) and a thread of stitchery.
I am running into some halt moments on my stitchery.
I can not find my pattern, and the iron on markings are rubbing off where I am not done......
I can remember putting my pattern somewhere smart (not) last summer.
If you happen to stumble over my pattern somewhere, please let me know!!
Earlier that would be the moment a work in progress would turn into an Ufo for a long long time - not now - I want this one done, so I can hang it on the wall under the other Leanne's House redwork stitchery, this January !!
I used to be a true perfectionist, and seeing how these plywood parts were painted and sanded along the edge, looking ever so perfect, I gave up before I started.....
Now I used the paint I have - not the colours mentioned in the pattern, which I did not want to buy whole boxes of - I don't need them in the future, as far as I can see.
I mixed and got good enough colours :-)
I diluted the paint so they got a more see through look and will sand the parts to age them rather than to make a perfect 1/8" sanded off edge around all the parts.
I am exercising my freedom of creativity. It is not easy for a former perfectionist ;-)
I think I will cut out the rabbit's pants and shirt now - I am on a roll!
Saying for today:
I'm creative - you can't expect me to be neat too!
Hei Hanne!
ReplyDeleteTakk for et inspirerende kurs... (hihi sjekk bloggen min så finner du nok ut hvilket kurs..)
Vil gjerne ønske deg og dine et godt nyttår!
Samtidig vil jeg gi deg uforbeholden ros for bloggen din; den til stor inspirasjon; både selve bloggen og alle de flotte quiltene. En aldeles imponerende produksjon og ikke minst produksjonshastighet!!
Jeg oppdaget allerede på kurset da jeg møtte deg første gang at du er en utrolig generøs quilter; du deler mønster og ideer og tips med stor glede. Tusen takk; jeg følger med videre!
Well, I don´t know where your pattern is, but I found it great, that I am not the only one who is searching...
ReplyDeleteI wanted to start my first challenge project totay, so I take the quilt top, ironed it, ironed the backing, put them and the batting together and wanted to start to quilt. But I haven´t the right color of yarn for quilting. No, not right, I have it! But where??? I am really not organized at yarns. So terrible, I had to chance that, or I will never finish something :-)
Many greetings!
Hi, Hanne! Cindy here. Aren't we glad the Holidays are over? I love that bunny. When you showed the picture the other day, that's what my eyes zoomed on. I wondered how it was made, I've never seen anything like it before.
ReplyDeleteI bought Tilda's Homestyle Christmas book when I was in the city last month. I can't wait to make one of her beautiful angels. I thought I saw one of her patterns in your stack. I know I've heard you speak of her before. I love her art.
Are we going to see you this Spring in Shipshe? I hope you can come again, I really enjoyed visiting with you.
I just love your rabbit Hanne! I like the Tilda projects too, and I have several of them around here, somewhere... :o) Some of them are half done, so, I guess I'll challenge myself to finish them some of the months of the 2009 Challenge of May Britt and Kris. Your mornings sounds so kozy, with candles and a cup of tea and some sewing. I have almost every week, a day off work, and that's usually wednesdays. I look forward to this Wednesday, then I also can have a quiet moment on my own, after the kids are gone to school in the morning. Precious time... We all need some of that on our own now and then:o)
ReplyDeleteJeg har ikke funnet mønsteret ditt her, he he...
ReplyDeleteJeg lastet ned ditt Fabric Diet use from stash tidligere i 2008. Jeg vet ikke egentlig om jeg har vært så veldig flink, men det hjalp godt det første halve året. Nå i det nye året 2009 har jeg fått brukt ganske mye av lagret mitt. Så kanskje jeg ikke skal være så skuffa over meg selv alikevel. Takk for du prøver å få oss til å tenke litt fornuftig innimellom......
Happy new year, Hanne! My Challenge for this year is to be more creative than last year - but I don't think I will get up at dawn to sew... it is hard enough to go to work.
ReplyDeleteHope we will meet again this year :-)
Godt nytt år, Hanne! Godt å se at du er i gang, du har en motor og en drivkraft som er til inspirasjon for mange, mange. Jeg koser meg når jeg er inne og ser!
ReplyDeleteGreat progress! Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteYes I am missing two sets of fabric. I have turned over everything looking for it. Hope you find your pattern soon.
I hate it when you misplace something, it will turn up it always does...love your coffee mug.