I know I have told you before that I don’t like plastic bags, and when it is possible I do avoid them.
The plastic bags that come in to the house are reused - folded and put in pocket or tote for the next shopping trip.
We also dispose of our garbage in plastic bags here in Norway, so the plastic bags that are not looking good anymore are also put to use.
I must admit a good fabric tote do it for me when I am out shopping. I can fit my wallet and other things in it as well.
This spring tote was showing off at Quilte.net’s shop during NQF’s annual meeting weekend.
I will teach how to make totes in her shop in May.
I know I will make more of these!
Different colours for different seasons, gifts - the possibilities are endless and good :-)
With lining, inner pocket and all, fabric requirement is approx. 1 meter all in all.
I love your Spring Bag...:o) Happy Spring to you..or is your weather as bad as mine..snowing and cold and no sight of spring...:o/