Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sunday - Kaleidoscope

Here are some of the lovely kaleidoscope blocks joined :-)


Berit and her lovely table runner :-)

P1020859 P1020858

P1020869 P1020870 P1020872 P1020875 P1020878 P1020879 P1020880
Here are some of the purses from André’s class.
André was still busy in his classroom with last minute overtime teaching - smiling as always :-)

Some of my students :-)

Some work from Ann’s class.

It was a lovely and busy weekend.

I did not have time to visit any of the 2 classes, so I am glad there were a Show & Tell after the classes closed, so we all had a chance to enjoy what was being accomplished through the weekend :-)

Greetings to all my students - you guys are The Best, and I hope to meet you all again before long :-)



  1. Takk for sist! Det var travelt, men gøy på kurset - slik det skal være! Håper du har hatt tid til å hvile ut etter helgen...
    Fine innlegg du har laget!

  2. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Helloooooo, dear Hanne ! ;>)
    G, how I'd LOVE taking a class with you! Those kaleidoscope blocks are all gorgeous, with the ice blue one (pic.nr.5) and also the brown and pink one (pic.nr.8)winking at me ;>)
    THANKS for showing and for the inspiration, dear!

  3. Anonymous3:29 am

    Thank you for posting their quilts. I just loved them!

  4. Wonderful show and tell! Everyone's work is beautiful!

  5. Look like you all had a smashing time. Next year I want to go there.

  6. Ohhh... lovely starts on the quilts..... you sure seem to have had a wonderful time!!! :o))

  7. Takk for fyldig referat :) Det ser ut som dere hadde det topp på alle måter. Får lyst til å være med en annen gang!

  8. Takk for sist Hanne, kjempekoselig helg!

  9. All of these look terrific. You are right, they are not easy blogs to make. You are a wonderful teacher.

  10. Åååå så koselig det så ut!
    Koleidoskop quiltene ser spennende ut. God helg til deg, for meg blir det også godt med helg.


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