Sunday, August 23, 2009

Care quilts again

Since I was going away for the weekend again, I was trying to catch up on a lot of things through the week.

I could deliver these 2 care quilts this weekend if I finished them in time, so I put the pedal to the metal and did so.


Remember me wanting to use all my black fabrics for care quilts ?
I am getting closer by these two quilt now. I think I have about used half of my black stash so far this year :-)

These 2 quilts were done just in time - 45 minutes before I was leaving for the weekend I pulled them out of the dryer and gave them a touch of ironing.



  1. I was looking at your blog, and I really like your work. These two quilts turned out very nice, I like the color combinations.

  2. Jammen er du produktiv. Stå på.

  3. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Your quilts are lovely.

  4. God å se at skuldrene dine er gode igjen. Flotte tepper

  5. Nydelige tepper, ja dette er jo en måte og få brukt opp noe av disse stoffene man har sååååå mange av :-)

  6. Heia Hanne. Du er virkelig god!! Flotte tepper du har laget, jeg er imponert...

  7. You will make someone very happy with those gorgeous care quilts. Hope your cold is better by now.

  8. Du er så produktiv,teppene kommer nok til å varme en liten kropp!


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