Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let the healing begin !

Through this past week it has been busy and emotionally draining.
One good thing though - sorting through all my late mother's papers I got confirmed that it has been so very right to protect myself and my family from her substance abuse, which lasted to the end.
Now we have to wait for 2 months to know how my late mother's financial situation is. The papers are sent to court and now we can do nothing but wait and start the healing process.


Today is Mother's Day here in Norway,
and my girls gave me these lovely gifts.

I love you both, and I am so proud to be your mother !!

We will be celebrating DH's mother later today :-)

Today is also Valentines Day


I absolutely love tulips. They bring tidings of spring and longer days.

We also celebrate Fastelavn, the last Sunday before Lent.
Traditionally we eat wheat buns with cream.
We have baked some with raisins, which is our favourite :-)


I have also picked up thread and needle, and I must say I feel blessed being able to create and enjoy both the sight and the feel of fabrics.
The last 3 blocks for Svennebrevet are under construction.

Button hole stitches to be done.

16 petal Dresden Plate in the making.

Foundation paper piecing. Done today ?P1050189
Never underestimate some retail therapy ;-)
Goodies from Lappemakeriet to the left and Trådsnella - my local hobby shop to the right - including the Tilda angel kit.

The same goes for inspiration therapy and Vitamin Q at Lappemakeriet :-)

Some models from Trine's new book:



Sjømann - seaman - the latest BOM at Lappemakeriet

The Gardener variation of the same BOM


Anne's new class model. It is gorgeous !!

Happy Valentines Day to all!



  1. Hei Hanne :O)

    Høres ut som du har hatt det stritt i det siste. Håper du ha mulighet til å hente deg inn og samle krefter. Våren er på vei, så det er jo ikke umulig ;O)

    Flotte ting du fikk i dag :O) Det litt sånn Kinderoverraskelsesdag i dag - 3 i en ;O)

    Det er MYE terapi i stoffer og gode farger!! Ser du har tatt flotte bilder av Trines modeller. Jeg bruker den nye boken hennes MYE! Mengder med inspirasjon :O)

    Ønsker deg en fortsatt god søndag og at den kommende uke blir litt lettere!!!

    Klem fra Yvonne :O)

  2. KRAM!!!!
    Vilken tur att kviltningen finns.. eller hur!!

  3. Hang in there! Looks like you are keeping yourself busy, which is the best therapy ever!!! Thew quilts are beautiful and your tulips are especially beautiful. Happy Mother's Day; Happy Valentine's Day; happy Fastelavn! (that's a new one for me)

  4. Very nice work.The colors you have chose to work wit are very nice and go together wonderfully creating a very warm effect.


  5. Du har tatt de rette beslutningene hele veien. Noen ganger så er det tøft,men i lengden så er det det som er riktig. Du vet at jeg har måtte tatt lignende beslutninger og de har nok også vært de riktige.
    Men da er det jo godt å ha hobbyen vår som terapi. Det er mye terapi i stoffer og mønster og ikke minst gode venner :)

  6. Lots of lovely things to look at in your post today Hanne! Thank you.


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Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!