Saturday, March 27, 2010

A surprise gift!


I met May Kristin at the meeting last weekend and she handed me this lovely belated PIF gift.
May Kristin does lovely work and I am proud to own it :-)

The pincushion (from Kindred Spirits - one of my favourites), a great little basket, a notepad from Lynette Anderson and a small bottle of hand cleaner, perfect for my upcoming trip :-)

Thank you very much May Kristin!!


I love the thought of impromptu Pay It Forwards, so I will keep the ball rolling in my own way, by sending unexpected mail box joys out every now and then, without being part of any organized system.

I think we all can make a difference for someone :-)



  1. What a beautifull gift you got! You're a lucky girl! I love that basket, it's so bright and really nice!

  2. I love those little baskets! So cute and useful too!

    What a nice idea to do unexpected PIFs every now and then!


  3. Really nice PIF gifts.


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