Saturday, March 27, 2010

Let me tell you what treasures I bought :-)

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A nice sewing box :-)

Some books and patterns. All the books are Japanese :-)
Tape measures and pins in cool boxes.
BTW - Lappemor is expanding her shop - more room for quilting!
I am looking forward to stop by the shop on my way to summer vacation.

Nice fabrics, beautiful embroidery floss and some got to haves :-)
1 meter cuts on sale Sunday afternoon.  Do you spot several Jo Morton fabrics ? :-)

A cool (and true) sign, a wooden spool for ribbons and laces and old fashion boxes for needles.

And this little sign for my kitchen.
Little did I know my DD2 made the smoke alarm go off making dinner when I was gone ;-)



  1. Those are awesome purchases. I especially love the sewing box. Gorgeous!

  2. Wonderful buyings. Aren't we the luckiest girls :)

  3. Love your sign for the kitchen! I have one that says, "if you don't smell burning, then it must be salad today!"

  4. Nydelig syboks, og morsomt skilt! Jentene mine har erfart det samme...

  5. hahaha love that last sign! Our first year married I made our smoke alarm go off every time I used the oven. Previous renters in the apartment had let something spill over in the oven and I (wet behind the ears) did not know that ovens needed cleaning too... LOL

    It wasn't until my parents first visit that we used the oven and momma told me that is why the smoke alarm kept going off and she taught me how to use Easy OFF Oven Cleaner. :P

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie


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