Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have been better


- but things could also be worse ;-)
4 more days on antibiotics, and I am hope this pneumonia is gone!

Warm drinks, antibiotics, couch syrup, book on CD and stitchery - life is not so bad after all!

These lovely stitcheries have followed me this winter and spring, as my friend Bente and I have done them as a Block of  the month, starting in January.

Bente has finished the blocks on schedule - I am more jumping around, enjoying the stitching and postponing the block making.


This quilt has 9 blocks, and here you see # 1 and #5 finished, finished today :-)
I am working from my fabric collection mostly, but had to buy a piece of the linen like fabric with the smallest roses.

I hope to be in better shape tomorrow - I have a lot of  things on my to do list!



  1. Riktig god bedring. Godt å se at du vet å kose deg selv om helsa ikke er helt med.

  2. Så nydelige blokker! - og den fargesammensetningen var veldig spesiell - og flott!
    God bedring, og kos deg med sømmen :-)

  3. I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Oooftah! Take your medicine, rest and get better soon!

    Your blocks are just beautiful!

  4. Sorry to read you are not feeling the best Hanne...love the blocks.

  5. Sorry to hear you have been ill. Get well soon.

  6. Get well soon...your blocks are gorgeous, looking forward to seeing the whole quilt.

  7. Riktig god bedring! Ser ut som du har vett til å kose deg likevel :-)
    Hilsen Berit

  8. Hope you fell better soon--isn't is grand to be able to stitch while more strenuous activities are on hold?!

  9. Hope the antibiotica is doing their job well and you are felling a lot better!
    Take good care of yourself!

  10. One good thing about pneumonia. You have lots of time to stitch and quilt. But I still hope that you are feeling well soon.

  11. Håper antibiotikaen tar effekt! Riktig god bedring! Gled deg over håndsøm, lydbok og at sommerværet er underveis :o)

    Klem fra meg!

  12. Stakkars deg - det er ikke gøy med lungebetennelse når det er sommer... Jeg vet hvordan du har det, for jeg har også fått betennelse i lungen (bare den ene!!!) - jeg glemte åpenbart å trekke pusten helt ned i lungene mens jeg lå i full narkose og resultatet var lungebetennelse ....
    God bedring

  13. I hope that you are feeling better by now. You have been away from your blog for a while longer then normally, I hope that it is not because you are still feeling ill.


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