Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday update


It is a good sign when one is getting bored, right ?
Less pain meds is good too :-)

Have you ever reflected on how many muscles in your body being involved in machine piecing?
Some for moving your hands, some for moving your feet and some for balance of the body - all in all a lot of coordination going on.

I started sewing this block today with my left foot doing the pedal work, but it was something with balance and coordination that did not agree to much with the right foot.

A friend of mine suggested using a hand crank, and that would have been nice if it had a 1/4" foot.
Another friend suggested using the hand function on my Janome.
I have tried that before, not being to happy, but I WANT to sew, so I thought would give it another try.

P1040193By happy accident I found that the electric cord for the Pfaff also works on the Janome :-)
I was able to piece the rest of the block without to much trouble, so if I had more that one foot to dance with, I would be doing a happy dance now!
I can carefully wiggle a toe or two for the occasion though :-))

P1040192Under the table, a box with a cushion for my foot (feet).


The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.
George Bernard Shaw



  1. I am so happy you found a way to sew on your machine :) Now you can swap between machine sewing and hand sewing!!

  2. Nød lærer naken kvinne å spinne.... eller dame med ett bein å sy :-) Lykke til videre med teknikken.

  3. Nød lærer og så videre :)
    Godt å se at det går fremover - kos deg videre! Jeg quilter litt på Rainbow Jane, men det går ikke fort...

  4. Uff uff, dette ser vondt ut ja. Må være kjedelig å ikke kunne få sy når en sitter slik. Flott at du kan bruke Janome maskina.du blir sikkert ekspert på å bruke håndfunksjonen. Ønsker deg riktig god bedring og "happy sewing"! ;o)

  5. Wendy Forbes12:27 am

    Glad to hear all went well and that you have worked out how to get your vitamin Q. Happy recovery and all the best.Wendy

  6. Well done Hanne.....please take care

  7. Glad you are on the mend Hanne. Good to sew!

  8. Bless your heart! I guess sewing with the other foot would be like trying to drive with the opposite foot... very difficult! Glad you are "bored" and feeling well enough to sew!

  9. Such happy news that you are on the mend.

    I will do a happy dance for you...

  10. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope it will be a bit easier each day to sew since that's the best therapy a quilter can have!


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