Saturday, June 25, 2011

Not so much going on

P1040314A summer flu took most of my week, but now I am back at it again :-)
I lack 2 blocks stitchery wise, quite a lot of applique and a lot of machine piecing.
I love the look of this project though, so I will keep on keeping on!


A strawberry preemie hat, for Amandaprosjektet.
I did the cast on in a waiting room in the beginning of the week. These hats are nice carry around projects.
I have named these berry hats Loveberries :-)
May they warm both the wee owners and their parents where they come!
Now I am out of started knitting projects, but I am still well stocked on yarn - I will make more Loveberries.



  1. Hi.
    I'm so glad you are back... Your My garden looks great ..
    Hugs :-))

  2. You have done a lot on My Garden :)
    Well done !

  3. Sorry to hear that you were not feeling so perky..... Same thing here. I simply MUST get some stitching done........

    Glad to see that you got a stitch or two in place.

    Feel better soon.

  4. Glad you are feeling better! :-)

  5. Great strawberry-hats! ;)0 I just had to smile; they look so cute!
    And you made some lovely stitcheries! Such a sweet style!
    Enjoy your sunday!

  6. My Garden blir kjempefin! Min ligger her ferdig stitchet, men har ikke begynt å sy log-cabin enda. Har ikke helt bestemt meg for hvordan jeg skal gjøre det. Det blir nok et høstprosjekt :-)


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