Monday, June 27, 2011

On my design wall

P1040329All the stitcheries for My Garden are done and now it is applique which is in focus this week.

P1040326By a quick glance it looks like nothing has changed on my design wall since 2 weeks back - nothing much anyway.
I am not a doll person - I Need to get this one done before the summer is over!
Nothing much reminding of summer here today - it is grey and wet today (too).
The makeup pouch is still here too.......


DD2 made us the very best skimmed milk lattes for lunch - thank you :-)

P1040331New shoes are nice, even if I only can wear one :-)
If you think I am bored with not being able to move around as I am used to, I can only say yes!



  1. Hanne, your stitcheries are wonderful! You've done a marvelous, marvelous job. This will be a beautiful quilt! Sorry about the foot -- how much longer before the cast is removed? I have to have another surgery on my foot sometime this summer and then I'll have 8-12 weeks of being non-weight bearing. I'm dreading it so much, I'm putting it off as long as I can! LOL! Happy Monday! :)

  2. Wow, what happened to your foot????
    I love nice shoes, just not such a one...... :/
    I scrolled back to look if I missed a post about an injury of some kind, but I cann't find anything!
    Hope it gets better soon!
    Be carefull!!
    Oh, and I love your In my Garden!! :))

  3. Smart med en design wall! Jeg har stort syrom, men ikke en eneste ledig flekk til noe som helst....
    Bruker å henge opp ett flanellslaken over skapene...funker sånn passe det også.
    Ønsker deg riktig god bedring med foten din! Også gleder jeg meg til å se deg igjen til høsten.

  4. Denne vesle quilten kjem til å bli kjempefin! Når det gjeld regn, så har vi det vått her i vest og, men bra temperatur. Når veret er fint, er det kald nordavind, så eg veit ikkje kva som er verst/best, uansett må ein ta det som det kjem. At du kjedar deg med foten, er vel eit bra teikn? Det går framover no!

  5. Beautiful combination of embroidery and applique and I love your borders, can't wait to see it all together!

  6. I love your design wall!

  7. Hi.
    your stitching and new shoe are great. Enjoy the applique,it is fast and fun.
    Hugs :-)

  8. love your doll and stitcheries and the shoe(s) are cute too.

  9. Hi Hanne... I love the blocks that you are doing... I am not much of a doll makere as well... Go slow and get that foot healed... Hugs :)

  10. I bet those new shoes were cheap compared to the other "shoe". UGH... I wish you patience and fast healing.

  11. Your My Garden project is really looking very nice. I'll be anxious to see it going forward. Hope you are up and running quickly. Sandi

  12. Your blocks are beautiful. I really miss the dreary weather of Europe!! Here we are hot, hot, HOT.

  13. Your stitcheries are just adorable! Can't wait to see these with the applique bits added.

  14. Your "My Garden" looks fantastic Hanne...

  15. I love these blocks!! I hurt my foot recently by rolling my ankle - didn't break or sprained a thing - still couldn't walk for a week - couldn't wear my shoes for 4 weeks! Feelin' your pain

  16. Adorable stitcheries! The applique will really make this sing. Sorry about your activity restrictions, but glad your hands are keeping busy.


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