Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thanks - and looking to the future

osloveMy town Oslo has changed forever, and the direction of the future is changed too.
In the matter of short time, he who wanted to plant hate by his actions,
made a whole nation, in fact the whole world, unite in love and caring for each other.


As said so well by a young girl surviving the Utøya massacre:

If one man can show that much hate,
think of how much love we can show.

Stine Renate Håheim

rosesOsloA young man started the action on Facebook that ended in 200 000 persons gathering downtown Oslo on Monday, with roses in hand to honour the victims of the bombing and the shooting massacre.
There were speeches and music, and the Crown Prince and the prime minister gave very touching speeches too.

All the killed are not yet identified, but DD2's friend is amongst the victims of the shooting.
We are so sorry for her family and friends!


A special thanks to all of you sending hugs, prayers and good thoughts!
You made a difference through the darkest days of my country.


In union there is strength. ~Aesop

We will never forget 22. July 2011!



  1. Hanne I am so sorry for your daughter and her friend's family. What a tragedy in your country, and what an outpouring of love shown in the photo of all of the people that came together on Monday. Hugs to you!

  2. o Hanne, I am so sad to hear about your daughter friend. Again I do not know what to say. I can only send you and your country my thought and hugs. Petra

  3. You are so right. Your beloved Oslo and Norway will never be the same. This can go either of two directions. I hope your country chooses peace and love.

  4. It is so good to see this positive uniting in love coming from tis, rather than more hate. Way to go Norway. So sorry about your DD's friend, and all who were lost.

  5. I am truly sorry for your daughters friend. I have been checking here hoping for good news - how awful. It can sometimes be a terrible world we live it but thank goodness
    the good people far outnumber the bad xxx

  6. Oh Hanne....Please know that the world is feeling your pain right now. I am from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and know well the pain that a single madman can inflict on a state and country...April 19, 1995 change lives forever.

    My thoughts and prayers continue with you all.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. I lived in Oslo for two and a half years and was so sad to hear that something so terrible had happened. The silver lining to the cloud is the way the city has joined together against this evilness.
    My heart is with you all in this time of repair and reflection.

  8. My thoughts are with DD#2 and the family of her friend, for the other families involved and the grieving nation

  9. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Hanne, I feel like I know you and May Britt as I follow May Britt's blog all the time and see your photo many times.

    I am so sorry for your daughter's loss of her special friend, and also the losses of all the families and friends of all the people killed. It is just so hard to believe that one mad, evil man could cut short so many young lives. I cannot begin to understand how the Norwegian families and friends must be feeling at the moment, May God bless you all and bring comfort to the bereaved.


  10. Hanne,
    Please accept my condolences for your daughter on the loss of her friend. Such a hard thing for a young life to experience...

    My prayers are with all of you....

  11. I'm also sorry to hear sad news about your DD2's friend... my thoughts are still with your nation! This kind of sad happenings seems to more unit nations than separate them. Take care!

  12. Dear Hanne,
    I want to thank you for your nice comment :-)
    It`s so terrible what happened in your country... we were so shocked about the horror...
    and so impressed by the pictures from the people who came together...
    Noone can understand why this happened but I think the hole world is with the victims and their families...
    Greetings from Germany

  13. Hey Hanne! I'm so sad for your daughter and her family ... and the families of all other victims of this horrible event. But ... it is so wonderful to see that the people of Oslo/Norway have chosen to overwhelm hate with love ... love is so much more powerful and unties people to face the future. Thoughts and prayers to all in Norway. Bear Hugs! KRIS

  14. Sue in sw SK5:42 am

    Oh dear, your poor daughter as well as the friends family. Caring thoughts are with you all tonight.

  15. It is a cruel world, Hanna, that allows a child to die before its parent. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you for the weeks and months to come...


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