Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Tour de Fibre Tuesday

P1040367Today my Tour de Fibre stage has been intensive stitching!

I must admit I got a more eager finishing this quilt seeing May Britt's quilt is ready for quilting.
Isn't it the true beauty of teamwork ?
We have always enjoyed working as a team, and we always get results :-)

Now I lack half a reindeer on the top, half a Santa, half the Christmas tree, the centre mini block and some stars and snowflakes on the top border.
All the bottom border + the right side border are complete, and I have to throw in some focused hand work to finish the rest.

If you want to join in on Tour de Fibre - 19 days more to go - make sure to leave us a comment so we can visit your blog. Come have fun with us!


Coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together. Unknown



  1. Together we are dynamite. And I think we'll both win the yellow yersey in Tour de Fibre :)

  2. Hi..
    Still clever :-)
    Keep up the great work. I wonder how mutch you manage to finish :-)

  3. Imponerande stykke arbeid, det må vere konkurransegenet, tour er tour...

  4. your wall hanging is looking lovely! well done, and keep getting that foot better!
    take care Julz

  5. It`s turning out so beautiful, love your color choice :)

    Heia Thor ;oD
    klem hk

  6. Dette blir rett og slett nydelig. Nesten litt misunneli skal jeg si deg... ;o)

  7. Your, Magical Christmas is looking lovely. I really like the fabric you have chosen its an unusual but very nice colour.
    bye for now
    Lynette x

  8. Hei
    Prøver å opprette en blogg og vil gjerne være med på Tour de Fibre. Synes det er et artig prosjekt.
    Har fulgt bloggen din siden vi var på kurs med Sue Daley fredag før påske

  9. I love this quilt!! Youu've done a fabulous job!!

  10. It's another beautiful quilt, Hanne. You and May do may a wonderful team.

  11. That quilt is wonderful!

  12. So sweet! Love your beautiful projects!
    You are very creative and talented

  13. you girls are on fire with progress..........well done.......


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