Sunday, October 02, 2011


P1040871Sometimes things happen for a reason, and sometimes things happen for no reason at all.
Sometimes it is time to sit down, think and regroup, and this has been one of those weeks.

thumbnailCA4C5I6FThe big question has been - What is important to me ?
Having come delivered as a heap of 2.sorting body parts, I sometimes so meet myself in the (swing)door, wanting to do so much more than what I can, and what is good for me!

Well - knitting is NOT good for me, as I can not be happy with doing just a couple of needles a day, so knitting is so out of here!
A good friend got my knitting yarn, books and needles this week - and we are now both happy about that :-)

11260168_p[1]Top on my priority to do list is sewing, by machine and by hand, piecing and stitchery!
My sewing, my friends and my family - Yes - that's what is important to me :-)

P1040794I had the pleasure of attending a good and fun inspiration lecture given by Helle Løvenskiold this week, and I have had some ideas spinning in my head since then. Thanks Helle :-)

First, I Need to get some older work out of here, or rather out of my WISP (work in slow progress) box - as the quilt in progress on top of this post.
It was started in April 2009, and how it turned out did not really fit my taste back then. I see I have already then thought about putting some light fabric into the work, before it got put away and forgotten.
I loved the Jelly Roll the fabrics comes from, even if it was a bit out of my favourite colour palette. (Hemming House by Moda)
It is really growing on me as I work, but I am so particular about how my blocks meets, so the seam ripper has come to good use ;-)
I am so looking forward to come to the quilting stage of this one - I have a plan :-)

notionsBack to the sewing machine :-)



  1. Det å gjere opp status over ting i livet, er noko som også eg syslar med. Du er flink å rydde opp i saker og ting, tykkjer eg, verkeleg få gjort noko med det! Den Jelly Roll-quilten din kjem til å bli nydeleg!

  2. Enig! Strikking går bare ikke her heller, så da blir det å ty til sy-maskinen....
    Flotte blokker du har sydd - det blir helt sikkert et kjempefint teppe!

  3. oh, thats also a wonderful work with the hexas. have you seen my christmasstars on my blog? was very fun to sew.
    wish you a wonderful autumtime
    mg elfriede

  4. Du så stilig hexagonteppe :)

  5. Gjør det du har mest lyst til du. Tror vi alle trives best med det :)

  6. I admire your asking the question -- and then doing something with the answer. Jan

  7. Sounds like you are getting your "groove thing" back. While I love the products knitting makes--- I always knew you were a quilter at heart.....I admire your giving to others.

  8. Good on you Hanne...sometimes we just need to sit, think and the quilt you are working on...

  9. I love your posts, and this one is both meaningfull and with a wonderfull quilt in it. To stop and really think about life ones in a while is so right! You are an example to follow :O)

  10. Tror vi alle har godt av å gjøre det vi føler er rett, uansett hva andre måtte si og mene.
    Quilten din ser nydelig ut! Gleder meg til å se mer!
    Selv om du har lagt strikkinga på hylla, eller rettere sagt kutta det ut, så må jeg få si den jakka du strikka er bare helskjønn! Jeg pusler med strikking på vinters tid, når det blir for dårlig lys å håndsy i, og prøvde meg på et sjal jeg synes er kjempeflott. Men ga det opp, da jeg ikke forstod mønsteret, og fortsatte innpå syrommet istedet :-)
    Ha en fortsatt fin uke,

  11. Håndarbeid er gøy, men ikke når kroppen sier nei. Spennende å se hva du gjør med disse blokkene:-)

  12. Sissel1:32 pm

    For et flott teppe Hanne! Jeg er en relativt "ny quilter" og finner masse inspirasjon paa bloggen din:-) Fortsett aa quilte og gjore ting du trives med:-)

  13. Opprydding att i blant på fleire plan er godt for kropp og sjel. Av og til ein hard jobb, men som regel får ein lønn for strevet. Varm klem fra Desiree


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