Friday, July 20, 2012

Tour de Fibre - Day 20


The day started in May Britt's sewing room, and has been good from there, with a lot of chatting, laughing and sewing :-) Vitamin Q in great doses!

P1060732Even the most dedicated Tour de Fibre participants needs groceries, and while out of the house, we had the pleasure of visiting a local eating place, and enjoy the soup of the day with fresh baked bread on the side.
The soup was pea soup with coconut milk - it was very delicious!

P1060736P1060737After lunch and a little rest, we kept on appliqueing and stitching.
As you may see, I am working simultaneously on Scandinavian Christmas, block # 2 and block # 3


Even with  jumping around from block to block, every stitch is a stitch closer to the finish line :-)


We did mention that we were ready for a new project, didn't we ??


Yes, we have started doing Red Home, by Natalie Bird :-)


Stitchery, a glass of red wine, good company and a fun film on DVD - Ice Age 3 - life is good!

always believe



  1. What a lovely way to spend the day together.

  2. Det ser ut som om dere har det kjempekoselig=D Hils masse tilkMaybritt fra meg=D

  3. The two of you seem to have a grand time! Lovely projects :-)

  4. Det ser jammen ut som dere gjør mye artig sammen! Og fine ting blir det også ut av det! Fortsatt god helg ønskes fra Siri:-)

  5. Veldig fint Sc hus, det nye prosjektet ditt ser fint ut.

  6. Du er jo bare helt utrolig produktiv! Hvordan får du tid til alt? Jeg har også kjøpt den nye boken til nNatalie Bird, teppet er kjempeflott, det står på min liste over ting jeg ønsker å få gjort en gang (men den listen er lang......) ha en flott helg og en fin sommer videre :-)


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Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!