Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Tour de Fibre - day 4

P1060661I am really working on my secret project, but I did finish all the rest of the place mat tops this morning, just to warm up :-)


During the closing sale on my local hobby shop, I bought a lot of sewing thread 70 % off.
I am sharing with May Britt - 41 spools for her and 41 spools for me. I picked all the colours I think can go with our fabrics, and let the rest be.


Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces,
joys and sorrows, stitched with love.



  1. Great bargain with the thread. Looking forward to your visit in a couple of weeks. Yohoooooo guess who is going to start a new project then LOL

  2. Great bargains spools. Well done with your mats. I have just managed to share today's occurances and crafting. It was later than planned.

  3. The warm-up looks good! You did some wise shopping at -70%, you always need thread.


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