Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So much Dear Jane fun :-)


The lovely quilters in Mo i Rana made many Dear Jane blocks, both by hand and by sewing machine, and it was fun to gather the blocks for a photo session at the end of the weekend.

Look what a lovely gift I got – the most beautiful knitted mittens.

Thanks for a great weekend with you all –
inspiration and Vitamin Q goes both ways :-)


Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do.
Where there is love and inspiration,
I don't think you can go wrong.
~ Ella Fitzgerald ~



  1. I feel inspired to start Dear Jane every time I see pictures like these. Such lovely work. Glad you had a fun weekend.

  2. Rebecca11:22 pm

    Drømmer om å lage en Dear Jane en dag.....:-) Takk for sist, forresten!

  3. What a fun weekend Hanne. The blocks look very good together.

  4. What lovely blocks! I love your mittens. They look so warm.

  5. Looks like it have been a wonderful weekend with these ladies. And so lovely mittens you got :)

  6. Så mange lekre blokker! Nesten så man får lyst til å gå løs på en til...

  7. Ser ut som du har hatt en flott helg sammen lappedamene i Nord. Flotte blokker! Får lyst til å komme igang med DJ igjen :o)

  8. De laget veldig mye fint, artig å se. Flotte votter


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