Monday, November 19, 2012

Blue happiness :-)

P1070338The secrecy season has begun, and I can not show you all I am working on.

However, every morning I give my Life Is Beautiful project a thread or two, while sipping my morning coffee.
This has been a wonderful project, and I am eager to make these blocks into a quilt once I am finished with the 8 last blocks.
I love the blue colour, and when I found some of the same blue amongst my late father in law’s embroidery floss (remember he used to do the traditional costume shirts, with the tiniest x-stitches? ), I was on cloud # 9.
My father in law would have loved these blocks, and he loved my quilts as well.

Many nice quilters have asked if I will part with my Life Is Beautiful pattern when I am done,
or if I can buy patterns for them and send abroad.
Sorry, I will not part with this pattern – I love to make these designs and will probably make more, or just enjoy the book:
Sorry, I can not buy and send this pattern abroad.
If you can not buy it at your local shop, please contact the designer Helen Stubbings herself here.

P1070330My beloved fur ball really has a cattitude these days, taking my projects hostage. It is possible to bribe her to move using her favourite cat treats – sometimes  :-)

P1070336I do not know if you can spot the quilt project under all the fluffy fur ?
It was impossible to disturb Miss Cat, so I had to find something else to work on then.


I have a severe backlog on my blog, but life has been interfering quite a lot with both quilting and blogging lately. I promise to catch up, slowly.
I still dream about the antique quilts I saw when I was in Mo i Rana – I am looking forward to show them to you :-)snoopy



  1. Dear Hanne,

    you are such a busy bee, thank you for sharing your projects. I look up your blog regularly. It is so inspiring, greetings,

  2. Your blue blocks are so beautiful.

    Rusken is easy to bribe with those cat goodies. He loves them.

  3. Det er mange flotte sticherier du har. Hårballen prøver vell å si deg noe, da :o) Som feks. mindre stiching og mere KOS.....eller så har hun rett og slett funnet ut hvordan få tilgang til nesten ubegrenset med snop :o)))
    Hun er aldeles nydelig !

  4. Virkelig lekkert, og det ser ut som et skikkelig kosearbeide. Kjenner det prikker litt i fingertuppene når jeg ser slikt, men så stopper det liksom på veien.
    Pusen vet hva hun vil skjønner jeg, og hva hun sal gjøre for å få litt nammis

  5. Nyderlig stitching prosjekt du holder på med !!

  6. Your Life is Beautiful embroideries are coming along beautifully. I love the Blue threads that you are using. Your father in law would have been very pleased to know that you are using his threads for your project.

  7. LOve your stitcheries Hanne. Your pussy cat is so cute. You have been rather busy keeping out of mischief.

  8. Kjempefine stitchery. Gleder meg til å følge med viderer på syingen. :-)
    Ha en kreativ dag


  9. Blokkene dine øker raskt i antall, og de blir kjempefine! jeg har strøket på halvparten av dem, og stitchet noen få. Falt for den blå cosmo-tråden som jeg prøvde til dette prosjektet, og teppet mitt blir nok i blåtoner også. Du har så mye fint på gang, og jeg gleder meg til å se mer av stjerneblokkene dine :-)
    Kos deg videre med søm og kattepusen :-)

  10. I've tagged you to do a Thanksgiving post and write some things you are thankful for=)
    You don't have to, but if you want to=)


Thank you for visiting my blog :-)
Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!