Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Inspired + (I’m) Just Plain Nuts


If you have read my blog for a long time, you will know that I pieced the full Nearly Insane quilt through 3,5 months through winter 2007/2008.
I have been talking and thinking about doing the follow up quilt Just Plain Nuts for a long time.

First I picked brown and taupe fabrics, and photo copied some blocks from the book, but came to a halt – next I picked blue and grey fabrics, and came to another halt – but after being in Bergen this weekend I came to the conclusion that I _Need_ more pink in my life – like candy floss, spring flowers and mother of pearl morning sky

P1070814It would be a lie to say that the colours in the original quilt by Liz Lois appeals to me, but the blocks and the quilt do.
The full quilt is 49 pieced blocks + 32 pieced setting blocks = 81 blocks.
Nearly Insane quilt is 98 blocks.



2 more Life Is Beautiful stitcheries done – all in all 29 done – 3 to go!




  1. You certainly are nuts. ;-) But I agree, we all need more pink in our lives. Your blocks are great!

  2. Imponerende!Jeg har kjøpt boka Nearly insane, men jeg klarer ikke å bestemme meg for hvilke farger jeg skal bruke og om jeg er insane enough.

  3. For et mot du har, Hanne. Og jeg er helt sikker på at det kommer til å bli kjempefint. Valget av farger ser helt perfekt ut! Gleder meg til fortsettelsen

  4. I like your pink - we all need pink. your little stitcher is so pretty. Look forward seeing how you put them all together.

  5. Lykke til! De to første er ihvertfall kjempefine :-)

  6. Isn't it a good feeling when you have nearly fnished all the stitcheries for a quilt? Only trouble is I then start a new quilt.


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