Sunday, May 05, 2013

To cute for words–and fun too :-)


Since coming home from Nantes, France, last Sunday, the days have been divided amongst entertaining a guest and then fighting a bad head cold combined with spring allergies
I have a lot of photos to show you from Nantes and I promise to share shortly :-)

P1080547I bought this little kit in Nantes, from Sue Hawkins.
She is such a lovely artist with the needle and a nice personality.
Her kits are lovely, good instructions, more than enough fabric and more than enough embroidery floss. I love generous kits!

308015_342471359195167_316713884_nI am on the road to recovery, but in my twenties……….. not so much Smilefjes som blunker


Fabric, needle, thread, embroidery floss = real joy to me!

See you again soon.



  1. I have a small pair of scissors just like that one and love it. hope your cold/allergies goes away soon - I have the allergy part of it-not fun

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon....good that you have still been able to stitch.

  3. Looks lovely Hanne. I have enjoyed making some of these kits too. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. I hope you feel a whole lot better soon. DH wanted to know why I was laughing so hard - Auntie Acid! Thanks for the giggle. Anxiously awaiting Nantes, France posts.


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Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!