Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!



I am wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are!
May your day be good and filled with blessings.

We do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Norway, but I wish we would.
It is good to be grateful for what is given to us through the year and to count our blessings.
(we could change Halloween for Thanksgiving maybe ??)

Every year, about a month before Christmas and through to December 24., I try to live a simpler life, to better appreciate all the good food we have at Christmas time.

Come to think of it, Thanksgiving is a good day to start, by counting all my blessings :-)

I made myself some soup for dinner, from good traditional vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, potato and spring onions and a sliced hot dog.


I am grateful I can eat dinner every day and have as much clean tap water as I like.

I am also grateful for family and friends, near and far,
and for the everyday blessing of quilting in my life!.

The quilt above is a miniature from a Debbie Mumm pattern, made in 1998

I love my Computer


Count your age by friends, not years.

Count your life by smiles, not tears.

John Lennon



  1. you should start doing your own Thanksgiving celebration every year - I wonder how many countries have Thanksgiving besides the US and Canada (different days) here more and more it seems to just be the start of a month of madness in retail shopping! not like the holiday was originally meant to be.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Official or not! :-)

    I really have enjoyed May Britt’s and your photos of your trip. I’m wonderfully jealous! lol

  3. America seems to have more celebrations than us here in the UK too, we should all take time and think we have so much to be thankful for. Your soup looks very appertising, I have some pumpkin soup to make this weekend, mouth watering just thinking about it!

  4. Anonymous8:06 am

    Hanne, here in our little town one group of children came a knocking for Halloween. My DH and I do not and will not celebrate this ever. Like every seasonal holiday here in Australia it is highly commercialised, Halloween has only just started appearing during the past 10 years.

    I agree with USA's THANKSGIVING holiday season where we can be thankful for the bounty we have received via our family and friends, and be especially grateful to God!!


  5. Hei!! Jeg skal lage thanksgiving middag på lørdag!! Jeg har gjort det før og liker å prøve retter fra andre land!! Det er jo ingen som hindrer oss i å lage en ny tradisjon!! Og jeg liker Halloween også!! Ha en fin helg!! Sees kanskje til onsdag?? Anne Kari:-)

  6. Hanne,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you. Although we live in the US, we are thankful all year for the exact same things you are saying on our table, clean drinking water, a warm bed, and many lovely friends. I've enjoyed seeing the pics of your trip to the states. The east coast is so different from where we live. Happy for you and May Britt that you asked for a ride to the quilt shop. Quilters are mostly the same everywhere....kind and generous. Glad that was your experience here.Blessings Pat McDonald

  7. Thanks Hanne for reminding us to be thankful for our many blessings.

  8. THat is a really lovely little quilt Hanne. We don't have Thanksgiving here in Australia either but it wouldn't hurt a lot of people to stop and think what they are grateful for. Basic human requirements are not what some people have and we need to count our blessings each day.


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Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!