Friday, June 06, 2014

To much of a good thing ?


I know I have said it before and I am saying it again – I have to many started projects here in my Quilt Corner !!
Honestly, I do not like them all that much either, but I will dig in a finish some :-)

I have picked 5 projects that will get priority now in June. I wonder if I can finish at least 4 of them through the rest of June…….

I have so many things I want to do, so many dreams and patterns and fabrics and notions.
I know I have the attention span of a mosquito when it comes to old projects!

Give me strength!


I think my knee is up to some light machine sewing again – let the fun begin !

dream big



  1. Go on, you can do it. I really love that brown and blue project with the gorgeous stitchery. Try finishing that one first as a lot of it has already been done. It really is a lovely design. The others seem to be smaller projects that I know you can do while making the larger one. I am looking forward to seeing your progress.

  2. I have one started that I wish now I hadn't started it and haven't worked on it in ages - I do truly wonder if it will be my one and only UFO

  3. In order to speed the process, would it make sense to finish up the projects in a smaller size? Instead of a whole quilt, what about a pillow cover or a small wall hanging?

  4. I know the feeling and it is a great idea to just focus on a few projects instead of looking at all of them and not knowing what to sew. I wish you good luck on your finishes,

  5. Dette klarer du fint :) :)

  6. Love the blue and brown project. I have an appliqued dinosaur quilt in the same colours. Sewing the binding on now, nearly done. xx debbie

  7. I have the same feelings!

  8. I often feel the same way especially when new projects beckon. Good luck with the finishing off :) Barb.

  9. Ja, det er utrolig hvor mye mer moro det er å starte på noe nytt enn å ferdigstille noe som har blitt liggende :-) Men ofte er det jo slik at når man først har fått ferdig de tingene som man ikke har fallt helt for så viser det seg at de blir kjempefine. Lykke til med UFO-prosjektene.


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