Friday, February 06, 2015

Thinking out loud, under a quilt.


After digging out this quilt from my Work In Progress boxes,
I can't help thinking about how many hours of work I have already put into this quilt, all the small stitches.....

2015-02-06 14.40.03

I spend a lot of my time with hand work and a quilt over my knees these days - it is a good place both to stitch, sew and to think.

Stuffing work in boxes is not a good way to "store" my used time - I need to dig out some more work in slow progress.
I will not, never ever, promise to finish all my unfinished projects,
but I can promise to honour my strength, my time and my work better :-)

2015-02-06 13.17.44

Here are all the prepped hexies sorted and ready for the hand work.
I like to sort and make piles :-)




  1. Takk for sist!!Du er tålmodig!! Ha en fin helg!! Anne K:-)

  2. Hello Hanne! What beautiful stitching on your hexagons... I hope you get your quilt finished! :) xx

  3. what a great idea to stitch on the hexies - they are beautiful

  4. Lovely work in progress, not on hold, deserves to be played around with.

  5. love the hexagons! and I love that you promise never to finish all your WIPs !!

  6. Utrolig imponert over hvor mye du rekker å stitche :)
    God helg!

  7. They are really beautiful. It's wonderful that you're enjoying working on them again.

  8. I love all those stiched hexies and you are very organised. Enjoy sewing under thst snuggly quilt and keep warm.

  9. Du store min - dette var litt av et prosjekt! Rett og slett nydelig håndquilting som vitner om stor tålmodighet, og ikke minst en solid dose nøyaktighet :)
    Ser frem til bilde av ferdig produkt! Men man skal først og fremst kose seg meg sånt noe, og i hvert fall ikke stresse!
    Ha ei fin uke :)

  10. Hi Hanne, can I ask where you got/found the embroidery patters for the hexagons please? I have recently finished my Nearly Insane quilt in red and white and I have quite a lot of fabric left over. I'm thinking the hexagons would lovely in reds.....
    Many thanks,

  11. Zeynep - this pattern is Cornelian by Helen Stubbings / hugs'n kisses - from Australia.

  12. Thank you so much for your reply. Warmest wishes from Edinburgh.


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