Friday, July 07, 2017

Back home - and stuck at home


Puerto de Mogan was great, coming home on Monday night was great too, and I had a lot of plans for a busy machine sewing time in Quilt Corner for the next weeks.
Quilts, dresses and more……

Unfortunately, I had a bad fall, at home, the day
before yesterday…..
It was a fall with a bad twist of my foot and a very unfortunate landing - and voila, visit to hospital and pink cast for at least 5 weeks.
I am going in for a new x-ray next Friday, so I have my fingers crossed I will not need surgery on the broken bone in my foot. The surgeon said he has never seen a fracture like mine - good? or not so good?

I am happy my Quilt Corner can provide Plan B too - so from the original plan of a lot of sewing machine work, to hand piecing, English paper piecing, stitchery and some knitting.

A quirky one for my Norwegian friends:
En quilter/sydame er aldri (t)rådløs!  ;-)

Stay on your feet, wherever you are :-)



  1. Oh No - I sure hope you will not need surgery on your foot - take care of yourself and hope you heal quickly

  2. O dear... thoughts for a good recovery 😊

  3. Oh bless you! At least your cast is pretty! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  4. arg das ist ja gar nicht gut.
    wünsche dir, dass es gut heilt, du hast dir ja schon eine tolle arbeit zurecht gelegt.
    alles gute
    lg elfriede

  5. Hope that you heal quickly Hanne. Do what the Dr says

  6. Oh no...........I do hope it heals well.........happy hand stitching............that will fill in lots of time.........

  7. So sorry about your fall. Hopefully you won't need surgery and you will have so much fun doing the handwork, the time will speed by. Blessings, Gretchen

  8. I am so sorry about your foot! I had a bad fall in March and although I had no broken bones, I am still dealing with the aftereffects of a bad sprain. UGH! I hope you have a speedy, no surgery recovery! Tell your doctor that quilters have to make EVERYTHING uniquely our OWN! Even broken feet! At least the cast is pink....

  9. oh no! ouch. i agee with the others, pretty color. :-) i was kind of disappointed yesterday when the dressing on my arm was boring white.

  10. Oh dear! I am so sorry that you are laid up again. Glad you didn't have the fall during your holiday though. I hope you heal quickly and at least enjoy some hand stitching and knitting. Angel healing hugs coming your way.

  11. what a pain to have your ankle in plaster but good that you had your fall at home and not whilst away. Lots of hand stitching and hope you have someone that is waiting on you and keeping you fed and watered. Take care and keep the leg up.

  12. Get well soon, dear Hanne.

  13. Uff da! Håper det ikke er behov for noen operasjon, og at bruddet gror på kort tid! God bedring og nyt litt håndsøm i mellomtiden :-) Sommerklem fra meg xxx

  14. I'm so sorry Hanne, hope for the BEST!
    I am in the middle of the move back to Germany - enjoyed my time in your country
    Brigitte Baierl

  15. So sorry about your fall. Hopefully you won't need surgery


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